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The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques

75 Ways to Master Cold Calling, Sharpen Your Unique Selling Proposition, and Close the Sale



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About The Book

The secrets of breakout selling!

Using his thirty years of experience training corporate sales forces, Stephan Schiffman has put together a collection of the most essential techniques for succeeding in the field. From getting leads and cold calling to establishing a solid relationship and closing the deal, Schiffman covers everything you need to know in order to improve your performance and make the sale. Inside this book, you'll find his proven sales philosophy, which includes such elements as:
  • Sales don't happen unless questions are asked.
  • An objection is an opportunity in disguise.
  • A salesperson's responsibility is to help the client solve a problem.
  • No one ever made a good sale by interrupting a client.

Whether you're new to the field or looking for a quick refresher, you will finally be able to beat out the competition and take your career to the next level with The Ultimate Book of Sales Techniques!

About The Author

Bestselling author Stephan Schiffman founded D.E.I. Management Group in 1979 and has since led his company to become one of the nation's fastest growing sales training companies. A leader in motivational and sales training, he is a certified management consultant who has trained and consulted with a wide range of international corporations, including IBM, AT&T, Motorola, Sprint, and CIGNA. Schiffman has written over 50 books, which have sold well over six million copies internationally and have guided generations of salespeople through their career challenges. His articles are published frequently in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Sales and Marketing Management, Personal Selling Power, Corporate Travel Magazine, and INC. magazine. Mr. Schiffman divides his time between managing D.E.I., selling, training, consulting, and product development. He continues to serve as a frequent guest on national radio and television shows, including CNBC’s Smart Money, Minding Your Business, Steals and Deals, and Money Talk.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Adams Media (January 18, 2013)
  • Length: 224 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781440550249

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