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The Deluxe Election Edition Bushisms

The First Term, in His Own Special Words

Edited by Jacob Weisberg / Introduction by Molly Ivins



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About The Book

The Bush era has been a special time -- for the deficit (back, and larger than ever), for the countries formerly known as our allies, and for the English language. Here it all is, straight from the horse's, er, mouth.
With new Bushisms coming fast and furious in this election season, ace Bushism editor Jacob Weisberg offers a must-read compendium and "explanation" of the first term. Read President Bush's eye-popping description of his economic policy:
"See, without the tax relief package, there would have been a deficit, but there wouldn't have been the commiserate -- not 'commiserate' -- the kick to our economy that occurred as a result of the tax relief."
Got that? How about this analysis of the weapons proliferation problem, from the man with his finger on the Button:
"Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."
Or his belief in the importance of staying connected to us all:
"[A]s you know, these are open forums, you're able to come and listen to what I have to say."
The Deluxe Edition also includes reality checks: coherent Bush statements about major issues that bear no relation to the truth.
The Deluxe Election-Edition Bushisms is essential reading for everyone still wondering what the past four years have all been about.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Gallery Books (June 2, 2004)
  • Length: 128 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780743269100

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