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Gitty and Kvetch

Illustrated by Ariel Landy



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About The Book

In this hilariously sweet story about an opposites-attract friendship, chock-full of Yiddish humor, a girl and her best bird friend’s perfect day turns into a perfect opportunity to see things differently.

Gitty and her feathered-friend Kvetch couldn’t be more different: Gitty always sees the bright side of life, while her curmudgeonly friend Kvetch is always complaining and, well, kvetching about the trouble they get into.

One perfect day, Gitty ropes Kvetch into shlepping off on a new adventure to their perfect purple treehouse. Even when Kvetch sees signs of impending doom everywhere, Gitty finds silver linings and holds onto her super special surprise reason for completing their mission.

But when her perfect plan goes awry, oy vey, suddenly it’s Gitty who’s down in the dumps. Can Kvetch come out of his funk to lift Gitty’s spirits back up?

About The Author

Photo Courtesy of the Author

Caroline Kusin Pritchard grew up as the youngest of four children in Dallas, Texas, and spent her childhood sneaking extra helpings of noodle kugel from her bubbe’s kitchen. Her debut picture book Gitty and Kvetch was a Tablet Magazine Best Jewish Picture Book of 2021, and her other books include Where Is Poppy? and The Keeper of Stories. Caroline lives in the Bay Area with her husband, three kiddos, and their 120-pound dog.

About The Illustrator

As soon as Ariel Landy learned how to draw a sky beyond a blue scribbled line, she knew she wanted to be an illustrator. Raised on coloring books and crayons outside of Boston, she now lives in France with her husband and dog. Visit her online at

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atheneum Books for Young Readers (September 14, 2021)
  • Length: 48 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781534478275
  • Grades: P - 3
  • Ages: 4 - 8
  • Lexile ® AD550L The Lexile reading levels have been certified by the Lexile developer, MetaMetrics®

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Raves and Reviews

"Debuting author Pritchard’s sweet-natured storytelling makes a strong case for friendship’s resilience—and balancing capabilities—while Landy’s digital cartooning and washlike textures have plenty of bounce and bubble."

– Publisher's Weekly, June 2021

"Landy’s pic­tures are buoy­ant, with many bright col­ors against a back­ground of vio­let and rose hues....Young read­ers learn that per­son­al­i­ties may not be as fixed as they seem. The most elat­ed child, con­front­ed by dis­ap­point­ment, often feels as pow­er­less as Kvetch. On the oth­er hand, the grumpy lit­tle owl turns out to be capa­ble of change....Like Yid­dish itself, Kvetch is flex­i­ble. Dis­ap­point­ment can be trans­formed into new alter­na­tives. The fact that the book cen­ters this gen­tle les­son in the con­text of an ordi­nary child­hood event, not a moment of real trau­ma, is impor­tant. Kvetch the owl may not share Gitty’s intense sense of adven­ture, but he helps her to under­stand the impor­tance of hav­ing a friend."

– Association of Jewish Libraries

Awards and Honors

  • Kansas NEA Reading Circle List PrimaryTitle

Resources and Downloads

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More books from this author: Caroline Kusin Pritchard

More books from this illustrator: Ariel Landy