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Big Nate: What's a Little Noogie Between Friends?

Book #16 of Big Nate
Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Big Nate is in a class by himself. This feisty 11-year-old holds the school record for detentions, but that doesn't stop him from dreaming big!

Nate Wright’s a winner—in his own mind, anyway. So when things go wrong, he’s at a loss to explain why. How does his soccer team manage to lose to a school with a sixty-game winless streak? What’s he doing at the movies on a Friday night . . . with GINA? And why, oh why is one of his classmates (hint: she’s Nate’s dream girl) suddenly moving 3,000 miles away? It’s all enough to make a sixth-grade superstar feel . . . well, not so super.

But you can’t keep a good man down, and Nate’s still got pals like Teddy, Francis, and Chad to cheer him up. Sure, their methods aren’t always warm and fuzzy, but Nate doesn’t mind. After all, what’s a little noogie between friends?

About The Author

Lincoln Peirce has been drawing the Big Nate comic strip for more than 20 years. Born in Ames, Iowa, Peirce grew up in Durham, New Hampshire. As a kid, he began creating his own strips in the sixth grade. Peirce taught high school in New York City and has created several animated pilots for Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. He lives in Portland, Maine, with his family.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (February 28, 2017)
  • Length: 176 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449462291
  • Grades: 3 - 6
  • Ages: 8 - 12
  • Lexile ® GN360L The Lexile reading levels have been certified by the Lexile developer, MetaMetrics®

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Raves and Reviews

“Another hilarious winner in the Big Nate series of books… these are laugh out loud funny and a kid-favorite!”
(Imagination Soup)

Weekly choice of best new releases. (Good Comics For Kids)

"It is because of Nate's emotional reaction to all the things that do not go his way-- and his resilience in the face of so many reversals-- that Nate's life is so much fun to explore, for readers if not necessarily for Nate himself." (InfoDad)

"Another terrific graphic novel style comic book story by cartoonist Lincoln Pierce and unreservedly recommended for school and community library collections." (Midwest Book Review)

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