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2020 Vision

About The Book

From Simon & Schuster, 2020 Vision is Stan Davis and Bill Davidson's guide to transforming your business today to succeed for tomorrow's economy.

2020 Vision forecasts the realities of American business for the next three decades and explains how companies can reap profit through the use of essential information and biotechnology.

About The Author

Stan Davis is a distinguished public speaker, author, and business adviser, most known for his creative thinking and mind-stretching perspectives. His 2020 Vision was named Fortune magazine’s Best Management Book of 1991 (“the most mind-bending of the bunch”) and his influential work Future Perfect received Tom Peters’ “Book of the Decade” Award in 1989. This is what led Federal Express, in 1993, to grant him their first “Visionary of the Year Award.” His eight books appear in fifteen languages and he addresses audiences throughout the world. Dr. Davis consults about the strategy, technology, management, and organization of both major corporations and fast-growing enterprises. He taught for two decades at the Harvard Business School, and Columbia and Boston universities. He lives and works in Chestnut Hill, Boston, Massachusetts.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Gallery Books (May 15, 1992)
  • Length: 224 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780671778156

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