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The Way of the Fertile Soul

Ten Ancient Chinese Secrets to Tap into a Woman's Creative Potential



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About The Book

Being fertile and fruitful can mean giving birth to a child -- but to have a fertile soul means to give birth to the true self a woman wants to be: to live a life filled with passion, strength, joy, and adventure. In The Way of the Fertile Soul, Dr. Randine Lewis outlines ten ancient Chinese medical and Taoist "secrets" that hold the little-known key to successfully conceiving babies, new dreams, and a fulfilling life for women at any phase in their lives.

The Way of the Fertile Soul encourages women to strive toward health, abundance, and a fruitful, joyous approach to life. By using diagnostic questionnaires, qi gong exercises, and guided meditations to help the reader understand how the elements of nature express themselves in her body, mind, and spirit, The Way of the Fertile Soul provides the tools to greatly increase a woman's chance of conceiving, identify imbalances, reduce stress, increase energy, and uncover her intrinsic creativity and express it fully.

About The Author

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Dr. Randine Lewis began her studies in conventional Western medicine before moving on to traditional Chinese medicine. She received an M.S. in Oriental medicine from the American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and interned at the Dalian Hospital of traditional Chinese medicine in Dalian, China, before earning a Ph.D. in alternative medicine from the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines in India. She lives in Asheville, North Carolina, with her husband, three children, and their dogs, cats, rats, iguana, and fish.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words (November 6, 2007)
  • Length: 240 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781416575610

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Raves and Reviews

"Using the considerable wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, Dr. Randine Lewis lays out an ancient but fully updated way to preserve and enhance your fertility." --Christine Northrup, M.D., author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom

"Randine Lewis is at the forefront of a worldwide trend to rediscovering natural therapies. It can only be wished that as many women as possible try this proven and natural method first before walking down the path of more invasive modern treatments." -- Uwe Doerken, former chairman & CEO, DHL Express Worldwide

"Dr. Randine Lewis writes from the depths of her soul, shining a light on the path to living an authentic and balanced life." -- Deborah Kern, Ph.D., coauthor of Create the Body Your Soul Desires

"Traditional Western approaches to infertility have focused on fixing what is wrong or broken physically, with expensive and exhausting treatments. By addressing the whole woman -- mind, body, and spirit...Dr. Lewis's powerful integrative approach allows each woman to give birth to herself first. What follows is an awakening of receptivity, and creativity at all levels, not only enhancing a woman's fertile power, but also her strength, joy, and passion for life." -- Margaret Christensen, M.D., FACOG

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