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The Mystery of the Crystal Skulls

Unlocking the Secrets of the Past, Present, and Future

Published by Bear & Company
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

The action movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has based its plot on the real crystal skulls, the story of which is documented in this book

• Investigates the Maya and Native American legends that tell of thirteen crystal skulls said to hold vital information about coming Earth changes

• By independent filmmakers Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas, whose A&E documentary on the crystal skulls won high acclaim in the United States and abroad

• Over 100,000 copies sold worldwide

Native American legend tells of thirteen life-size crystal skulls said to contain crucial information about humankind’s true purpose and destiny. The legend prophesied that one day, at a time of great crisis for humanity, all thirteen crystal skulls would be rediscovered and brought together to reveal information vital to the very survival of the human race. To date several skulls have been discovered.

This book is the definitive guide to the facts and legends that inspired the May 2008 movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It explores what these mysterious crystal skulls are, where they came from, and what they may have to offer. The book follows Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas on their journey of discovery from the ancient temples of the Maya to the British Museum, the Smithsonian, and to the crystal laboratories of Hewlett-Packard, where scientific tests on one of the skulls--made from the same quartz crystal used in today’s computers--lead to the conclusion, “This skull shouldn’t even exist.” Their journey also leads to Native shamans and elders who reveal the sacred knowledge and vital information that these skulls hold about coming Earth changes and humanity’s imminent destiny.



The Forensic

When we had first spoken to Dr Jane Walsh at the Smithsonian, scientists at the museum had suggested that if any of the skulls were highly anatomically accurate, then the chances were that they had probably been modelled on an actual individual. If this were the case then it might be possible to reconstruct that person’s face and their racial characteristics, if nothing else, would help determine where, and therefore possibly also when, the skull had been made.
As only one of the crystal skulls had fitted the description of ‘anatomically accurate’, we had not previously followed up on this test. The skull in question was the Mitchell-Hedges. In many respects the Mitchell-Hedges skull was already the most interesting, as this was the skull on which the Hewlett-Packard team had been unable to find any trace of tool marks. But with the forensic tests, Anna’s skull would not need to be involved in any intrusive tests, as it was standard practice amongst forensic experts to work with photographic images.

While Ceri pursued another avenue of research, I spoke to Richard Neave, medical and forensic artist at the University of Manchester’s Department of Art and Medicine. Richard is the UK’s leading specialist in facial reconstruction. Much of his day-to-day work is on behalf of the police, investigating murder and missing persons cases. On some occasions, the only piece of evidence is the decomposing body or just the skeleton of some unidentified victim. For over 25 years now it has been his job to reconstruct the original face of a person from their skeletal remains.
I visited Richard Neave at his studio in Manchester and presented Richard with our problem. There was a skull we wanted identified, not a real skull, but a crystal one. He was intrigued and wanted to know more. But, as I explained, I could not tell him anything else about it, or where it was thought to have come from, in case it influenced his judgement. Richard said that he was quite used to this. He was also required to work ‘in the dark’ on police cases for similar reasons. His only concern was that if the crystal skull he was given was already a copy of a real one, it might be too stylized or poor in its workmanship for him to properly identify the individual it had been copied from. But he was prepared to give it a try.
As I pulled out the photos, Richard’s eyes lit up. ‘It’s so beautiful and so anatomically accurate.’ He was so impressed with the accuracy of the skull he agreed to reconstruct an approximation of the face while I waited.
As Richard began drawing I asked him whether it might be possible to determine what sex the skull was as well as its racial group. He answered:

‘Quite possibly. On a real skull there are certain features which are associated with a male or female skull and it’s a matter of whether the maker of this skull has actually put these fairly discrete features in or not.
‘But it looks as though this skull has been copied from an actual skull. Though it doesn’t have every single tiny feature of a real skull, it includes almost all of the fine detail one would expect from a living original and it is certainly a good deal more accurate than one would expect if there had been no actual original specimen to copy it from. So the chances are it’s, er . . . that it’s going to speak for itself.
‘The proportions are very important. The mandible is rounded at the front and that tends to be associated with the female. The supercirial ridges over the eye here, they are very, very smooth, and that is another female feature. And the face itself has the sort of proportions that one might associate more with a female than a male skull. Female skulls tend to have bigger orbits in relation to the rest of the face than a male skull, and that’s what we’re tending to see here.’

I watched in amazement at Richard’s skill and workmanship as the original face on the Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull slowly emerged right in front of me. As Richard continued to add the flesh over the skull and the image of the face gradually became clear, he explained:

‘It’s definitely not a European face. I would say that this face is in keeping with the facial characteristics of the indigenous population of the Americas, the American Indian peoples. It’s hard to say exactly which area. It’s certainly not dissimilar to the faces of the people I’ve seen from Central or South America, although I wouldn’t want to rule out the North American Indian population either.
‘But I would be absolutely certain that this skull is not European and it looks to me to be the face of a woman belonging to the indigenous population of the Americas.’

The face that emerged certainly looked to me to be that of a Native American woman. In fact it looked just like the faces I had seen in Central America.

So at last we had some definitive scientific information about the Mitchell-Hedges skull, independent of Anna and Frederick Mitchell-Hedges. In fact it transpired that similar tests had also been done in America in 1986. Anna Mitchell-Hedges had loaned the skull to Frank Dorland for further research and he in turn had loaned a plaster cast of it, together with various photographs, to a forensic artist who worked for the New York Police Department. This man, Detective Frank J. Domingo, had drawn a reconstruction of the face which was almost identical to the face Richard Neave had drawn . Interestingly enough, this was the same face that Frank Dorland claimed to have had presented to him by the crystal skull itself when he was in deep meditation.

About The Authors

Chris Morton and Ceri Louise Thomas will be sharing their expertise in a 2-hour documentary on the crystal skulls, to be aired mid-May 2008 on the SCI FI Channel on NBC/Universal. Morton and Thomas’s A&E documentary on the crystal skulls received high acclaim in the United States and abroad. Independent filmmakers, they now live in Britain, having spent several years in Mexico.

Ceri Louise Thomas and Chris Morton will be sharing their expertise in a 2-hour documentary on the crystal skulls, to be aired mid-May 2008 on the SCI FI Channel on NBC/Universal. Thomas and Morton’s A&E documentary on the crystal skulls received high acclaim in the United States and abroad. Independent filmmakers, they now live in Britain, having spent several years in Mexico.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Bear & Company (March 1, 2002)
  • Length: 424 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781879181809

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Raves and Reviews

"Read this book!"

– The Bodhi Tree Book Review

“Reads like an Indiana Jones-style adventure tale. Seldom has a recounting of archaeological research resulted in such a fascinating, fun, but ultimately terrifying read. This well-written book entertains as it educates.”

– Janet Brennan, Fate magazine

"An expertly written, riveting book that is sure to astound you!"

– Sirona Knight for Magical Blend magazine

"The researcher soon discovers that it is clear some of the skulls are modern frauds, but it is equally clear that some are not. . . . With so much speculation, myth, legend, and controversy, the serious student of the occult will appreciate this well researched and fact-filled book."

– Lesley Crossingham, New Dawn Magazine

"If you find yourself captivated by the mysteries and possibilities surrounding the crystal skulls, you absolutely must get a copy of this expertly written, engaging, and sometimes disturbing book."

– Scott Cronenweth, Inner Tapestry, June/July 2008

" . . . the only volume which deserves to be read with any confidence as well as enjoyment."

– Marilis Hornidge, The Lincoln County News, Oct 2009

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