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Table of Contents
About The Book
A book of liberation and ecstasy, The E-Word lucidly explains how the ego is created, how it thinks, and how its limited mind-set can be expanded—not inflated—into a joyous transpersonal perspective that eradicates feelings of isolation, fear, and insecurity in your life.
Through stories, practices, and a masterful detangling of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the Matrix, and quantum physics, The E-Word strips the ego bare and liberates the soul in highly entertaining, relatable ways, revealing how even self-improvement techniques can chase away the very fulfillment and wisdom we seek. Montana further reveals how the ego co-opts spirituality, dangling enlightenment in front of us as a prize.
Stuffed with electrifying insights and transformative meditations and exercises, The E-Word is the ultimate how-to guide for discovering the “real you” within.
Product Details
- Publisher: Atria/Enliven Books (January 17, 2017)
- Length: 240 pages
- ISBN13: 9781501123542
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Raves and Reviews
"An excellent and entertaining look at the issues, challenges, and resolutions that come with the territory of awakening, Cate Montana exposes the workings of the ego and what to do about it. I highly recommend this important book to all students of spirituality. It will speed you on your path by helping you to undo the blocks and illusions that have been holding you back."
– Gary Renard, bestselling author of The Disappearance of the Universe trilogy
"The experience of being fully human is our birthright, yet is too rarely attained. Sadly, few even get to savor thinking deeply about this tremendous human potential. Most are shut out by the steep learning curve required to master the esoteric ideas that are its currency. Cate Montana has accomplished something quite rare: she makes the depths of consciousness, existence and enlightenment readily accessible, without cheapening the profound pay-off that comes with living there."
– Chris Aanstoos, PhD, professor of Psychology, University of West Georgia
"With wit and eloquence, Cate Montana exposes the ego's masquerading effort to convince us we are made in its image and likeness. With equal skill she holds before us the essence of our true nature—creative, free, and whole."
– Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Spiritual Liberation
"That which used to call itself Cate Montana dissolved into nothingness. Then she returned to tell the tale in The E-Word. Delightful, compelling, and profound."
– Dean Radin PhD, Chief Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences and author The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, and Supernormal.
“The E-Word is brilliant, fast, fun, and straight from the hip, all at the same time answering life’s eternal question, ‘Who am I?’ and ‘Why am I here?’ Page after page my heart went ‘Aha!’ and then I’d snort with a sudden burst of laughter. I love this book. Very clear and on target!”
– Dr. Darren Weissman, author The Heart of the Matter and creator of the LifeLine Technique®
“Cate Montana’s The E-Word is like nothing I’ve ever read before. A radical and inspiring guide on how to get clear about the ego and get on with what matters, this book goes where most don’t, won’t or can’t go. If you’re really ready to shed the last layers of your identity onion and step into your true self, living life in a meaningful and profound way, this book will get you there.”
– Betsy Chasse, author Tipping Sacred Cows and co-creator What the Bleep Do We Know!?
“Cate Montana has given us the gift of a touching personal story of her own life unfolding like a flower. Our own lives are nourished in reading it.”
– Allan Combs, PhD., author of Synchronicity: In the Eyes of Science, Myth, and the Trickster, Dir. California Institute of Integral Studies
“The missing manual for our messy lives, Cate Montana writes about the ego from deeply lived experience and with truckloads of heart and good humor. The E-Word is a book I will keep on my nightstand for a long time.”
– John Tintera, Executive Director,
“After more than 20 years of spiritual searching, Cate Montana found her keys to becoming a transpersonal Integrated Adult Human. Her message, both simple and difficult, is to become like the God of Genesis who, when asked who He was, said ‘I am that I am.’ Her experiences and advice, told in delightful and innovative prose, can only help to expand and possibly simplify your awareness of the complexity that is You.”
– Bernard Beitman, M.D., former chair of the University of Missouri-Columbia department of psychiatry.
“Cate Montana takes you on a journey to understand how you get in your own way and what you can do about it! Her humor and practical advice is a testament to the balance of action and allowing required for the freedom we seek.”
– Marga Odahowski, author of The Way of the Hammock
"Cate Montana's book The E-Word says it all. I have learned, as she has, that the quiet mind is the essence of it all. The practical, mystical and spiritual truths can all be known to us. Let Cate's book guide you through the unknown to the truth."
– Dr. Bernie Siegel
"Cate Montana’s The E-Word is a clever, inspiring handbook for navigating the ego, including all the nitty-gritty twists and turns it can take us on when we start to examine it. Cate’s personal story is intriguing, and she packs the book with useful meditations, practices, and exercises designed to give the reader a real experience of their own. The truths Cate shares here are truly illuminating, including a discussion about why enlightenment isn’t quite all it’s cracked up to be—but perhaps not for the reasons you might expect."
– Katy Koontz, editor of Unity Magazine
"The physicist Niels Bohr used to say, if you are not confused by quantum physics, you can't possibly understand it. Enlightenment is a similar subject and the comment is even more true for that subject. Read this book; it will confuse you and that is good. This is the highest compliment I can bestow on the author."
– Amit Goswami, author of The Self-Aware Universe, Quantum Creativity, and Quantum Economics
"Cate Montana is a fierce seeker of the truth. Her dedication to her meditation practice is profound. She shares her journey and offers practical tools for the reader throughout this humorous, compassionate, and wise gem of a book."
– Diana Winston, director of Mindfulness Education at UCLA and author of Fully Present
"An extraordinary journey of awakening, Cate Montana's insights into the ego, reflections on enlightenment and delightful humor make this a joy to read, and then read again."
– William Arntz, creator of What the BLEEP Do We Know!?
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- Book Cover Image (jpg): The E-Word eBook 9781501123542
- Author Photo (jpg): Cate Montana Photograph by Barbra Kates(0.1 MB)
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