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The Chiron Effect

Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness

Published by Bear & Company
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

A guide to using astrology to identify your core wounds and heal them using psychological techniques, affirmations, and self-compassion

• Explains how the placement of Chiron in your birth chart identifies the core wounds and unconscious patterns that block empathy and self-forgiveness

• Offers a descriptive chapter for each of the 12 zodiac sign placements for Chiron, revealing how Chiron affects you psychologically, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, socially, financially, and intellectually

• Provides specific steps for each sign to shift self-destructive patterns as well as powerful affirmations infused with Reiki healing energy

We all have experienced disappointment, sadness, rejection, or the loss of something meaningful in our lives. When you are wounded, innate animalistic instincts for self-protection kick in as a means for survival. These behavior patterns are a natural and necessary coping strategy, at first. But many dwell far too long in these patterns and separate themselves from their source of inner wisdom and intuition.

Using astrology as a diagnostic tool, Lisa Tahir reveals how to use the astrological placement of the minor planet Chiron in your birth chart to identify the core wounds and unconscious patterns that block your capacity to have self-empathy and to forgive. Coining the phrase “Chiron Effect” to describe the magnetic pull that individuals have around specific areas of vulnerability, she explains how, like a raw nerve, the placement of Chiron describes what parts of our lives we might edit or hide for fear of being rejected as well as the areas of sensitivity where we are triggered. Offering a chart and online links to allow you to determine Chiron’s placement in your chart, the author explains how Chiron affects you psychologically, emotionally, sexually, spiritually, socially, financially, and intellectually depending on the sign and house it falls within. She outlines how to begin healing your core wounds through empathy and self-forgiveness, providing several steps for each sign placement to shift self-destructive patterns and learn to protect yourself as well as powerful affirmations infused with Reiki healing energy to help you anchor a new belief system.

As Lisa Tahir reveals, once identified, your personal Chiron placement can become the source of your greatest healing and empowerment. By recognizing your core wounding and learning to offer yourself empathy and forgiveness, you can finally break free from suffering, end self-sabotage, and allow your life to unfold in a new way.


From Chapter 6: Chiron in Aries--Core Wounding in Value and Worth

Chiron entered the sign of Aries on April 17, 2018 and will spend about 8 years here. Historically when Chiron occupied the sign of Aries, changes in laws were initiated regarding human rights, personal freedoms, and social change. Chiron in Aries is about taking actions to “break free.” It brought sexual revolution during the “Roaring 20s” and the 18th Amendment (prohibition) in 1919. Well, we all know that prohibition really meant no inhibition! It brought the groundbreaking Stonewall riots of 1969 in Manhattan and the first LGBT Pride Parade in NYC in 1970. The Watergate scandal broke, and our president resigned office. All this, and even more internationally, under the powerful influence of Chiron in Aries who encourages us to action, to speak our voice, stand for our rights, and be who we are! How does Chiron in Aries affect you as an individual?

As an individual with Chiron in Aries, your relentless search for a stable and strong identity drives your life experience. At the same time, the psychoastrology of Chiron in Aries also creates a concurrent and conflicting emotional experience, which makes you feel like you already have an identity, but you invariably judge it to be weak. As a result, you find yourself in situations time and time again where you minimize your own needs. In the worst-case scenarios, your needs have been neglected by others. This episodic neglect of yourself and your needs speaks to your self-diminishment and unresolved sense of value and worth.

Because you have become so attuned to others and their needs, sometimes it may be hard for you to even know what you want or need. It may seem that you have lost connection to yourself. It’s as if your selfhood may have been eclipsed and you are invariably not seen, heard, or validated.

This experience is disempowering to your self-confidence. And your ability to attract what you truly desire is obstructed. Instead of directly expressing your own needs, and to protect yourself from the pain of being under-valued and treated dismissively, you employ coping mechanisms of compensation and adaptation.

You run the risk of burnout in your profession and being unhappy in your personal life. This occurs because of consistent people pleasing and putting other’s needs first. Overextending yourself is an ingrained habit you employ to keep conflict low. Working to keep the peace in your family, group, or organization is a must.

You may suffer privately from feelings of isolation, while simultaneously hoping that one day you will suddenly be seen, loved, and valued for the generous-hearted person you are.

The way you approach love has been built around a false belief that you have to work hard to be loved. Let me invite you to consider something you did not learn in your childhood, but that you can now step into and fully embrace. Here it is: you don’t have to work hard to be loved, you are loveable, you are worthy, and you are good enough, just as you are.

Your work is to let go of the self-deprecating and defeating beliefs that hurt you. While allowing others to manage conflicts on their own, you can learn to possess and then express your personal preferences directly in positive and meaningful ways.

The psychological overlay of a wounded sense of self, coupled with the undervaluing of self, leads to feelings of depression, isolation, and unworthiness, this resulting in a sense of confusion about what to do.

While experiencing these difficult emotions it is easy to turn to maladaptive coping behaviors like self-harming through substance abuse/dependence and/or holding onto relationships and associations that no longer feel good or serve your highest good.

Often self-criticism and judgment of ourselves keep us in an unhealthy relationship or situation. We don’t want to give up and move on, so we may stay and self-medicate instead. Self-harming behaviors reinforce our sense of unimportance because we stand in condemnatory judgment of ourselves. We may act to present a public image of having it all together, yet we may suffer privately. Lessening the grip of self-judgment and increasing the presence of self-love in our lives creates the psychic and energetic space to cultivate our value and worth. By committing to the prioritization of our needs, we learn to value ourselves. Coupled with pulling back from overextending ourselves for others, we shift and begin to embody our true value and worth.

We must gently and lovingly hold ourselves accountable for not, in the past, showing up on our own behalf. We are not unworthy for having made mistakes. Our identity is not engraved with our mistakes. Every misstep is an opportunity to learn and grow, and then do something different next time.

Because the wounding to our core value and sense of worth occurred in childhood, our “inner child” needs to be given messages of empathy and tenderness. Our inner child is a younger ego construct within our adult ego state. She/he typically makes her/himself known when we feel hurt, vulnerable, anxious, avoidant, jealous, upset, ungrounded, angry, fearful, or self-doubting.

Our adult ego state often tells our vulnerable inner child self to “go away, be quiet, or hide.” If you repress these uncomfortable feelings of vulnerability to the point where the feelings become unconscious, they begin to drive your life in direction of self-sabotage, etc.

Transformation and healing of this wound comes through sending your inner child, adolescent, and adult ego states nurturing and love with messages of support and empathy. This begins a process of insourcing healthy self-esteem and positive feelings for yourself, instead of outsourcing that job to others, resulting in a roller coaster of emotions for you.

Daily guided meditations that focus upon forgiveness and love can accelerate the healing process. A plan of regular self-care can include setting aside the time and space to think and assess whether or not your commitments are truly serving you. . . .

About The Author

Lisa Tahir, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker. She is certified in EMDR Level I, in Reiki Level II, and as a thought coach through the Institute for Transformational Thinking. The host of the weekly podcast All Things Therapy on LA Talk Radio since 2016, she lives in both Los Angeles and New Orleans.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Bear & Company (October 20, 2020)
  • Length: 224 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781591433965

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Raves and Reviews

The Chiron Effect will be of interest to many and will greatly benefit readers.”

– His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

"Lisa Tahir has beautifully laid out a new and highly effective pathway to healing core wounds. Her methods are brilliant. A gem of a book."

– Katherine Woodward Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Conscious Uncoupling and Calling in

“Lisa Tahir brings astrological wisdom to life through reliable psychology. She speaks with honesty and passion, revealing traces of her own battle scars. Relatable, beautiful, and profound.”

– Benjamin W. Decker, author of Practical Meditation for Beginners

“In her groundbreaking book, The Chiron Effect, Lisa Tahir skillfully accompanies readers on a powerful journey to heal our deepest wounds. By sharing her personal story--as well as effective methods to break old trauma-based patterns, harness our minds for positive change, and embody unconditional love--Lisa teaches us how to become the free and joyful people we were always meant to be.”

– Myra Goodman, coauthor of Quest for Eternal Sunshine: A Holocaust Survivor’s Journey from Dark

“As an astrologer I have always found Chiron to be both a key to understanding the wounds we repeat and the guide to living out our soul’s purpose. There has never been, until now, a book that guides astrologers, healing practitioners, and readers alike to articulating that purpose. In The Chiron Effect, Tahir offers a brilliant synthesis of psychology and astrology, but most of all she offers hope for the healing of our souls.”

– Mari Selby, author of Lightning Strikes Twice

“Lisa Tahir writes beautifully about the journey inward, where one can find their greatest power by having the courage and selfcompassion to heal their core wounds.”

– Ora Nadrich, founder/president of the Institute for Transformational Thinking and author of Says Who

“This book is a tender, kind, and compassionate journey into how we heal our core wounds. It blends and weaves astrology with selfhelp healing, creating an integrated approach to the healing of the self. It is useful and timely.”

– Ronald A. Alexander, Ph.D., author of Wise Mind, Open Mind

“Lisa Tahir integrates her deep understanding of personal transformation with a compassionate, insightful, and practical view of the meaning of astrological Chiron. This is a much-needed and powerful resource of healing tools for practitioners and laypeople alike.”

– Patricia Maher, HMC, MSW, astrologer and homeopath

“With The Chiron Effect, Lisa Tahir presents a clear guide and gentle invitation to reveal and decode old, unhealthy patterns and apply the salve of empathy and forgiveness. Lisa remains approachable to the reader with her vulnerable and straightforward writing style. She illuminates a clear depth-process through which we may each awaken our beautiful inner healer and heal core wounding--a deep and accessible resource.”

– Corey Folsom, relationship coach, Los Angeles, CA

“Tahir guides readers through their own personal transformations by using Reiki healing, destroying unhealthy patterns, as well as encouraging self-forgiveness and compassion.”

– Conscious Community Magazine

“All in all, The Chiron Effect is a guide for spiritual development and transformation. Through acknowledging our pain, weaknesses, and wounding based on Chiron in one’s astrology chart, Tahir teachers the reader that they can become their own healer. Filled with the love, faith, hope, and optimism that comes through Tahir’s writing, readers will be able to see themselves with a bit more clarity and use this awareness to facilitate inner peace.”

– Alanna Kali, Indie Mystic

“There are a number of things I like about this book. We will start with the clear Table of Contents, then the diagrams at the beginning of each Chiron-in-a-sign chapter summarizing the core wounds of that placement, ending these chapters with appropriate affirmations. Also of note are the always helpful index, bibliography and resources appendices.”

– Lisa Mc Sherry, Facing North

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