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Tainted Truth

The Manipulation of Fact In America

About The Book

Sponsored studies have become America's most powerful and popular tool of persuasion. Tainted Truth shows that much of what we learn from them is false. Although the studies and surveys wear the guise of objective science, their findings almost invariably reflect their sponsors' intentions.
In this important and provocative book, Cynthia Crossen reveals how the manufacturers of silicone breast implants did not disclose information regarding the dangers of the implants, how the demise of the cloth-diaper industry was influenced by questionable statistics paid for by Procter & Gamble—the leading supplier of disposable diapers, and how even the confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court was influenced by fast and biased polls.

About The Author

Cynthia Crossen has been a reporter and editor at The Wall Street Journal since 1983. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband and son.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Touchstone (January 25, 1996)
  • Length: 272 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780684815565

Raves and Reviews

James B. Stewart Author Of Den Of Thieves Fascinating, engaging, lively, and provocative, it's a must read for anyone who cares about the truth.

Business Week Tainted Truth amply illustrates how easy it is to dress up a one-sided sales pitch with good-looking numbers and spin a story whichever way is convenient. No matter how impressive a new study seems, clearly caveat emptor must be the rule.

The Philadelphia Inquirer Tainted Truth cuts through the media fog of sponsored research like a welcome lighthouse beam. Crossen exposes the rotten foundations of much so-called truth around us with unusual clarity, precision, and snap.

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