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So You Think You're a Foodie

50 food snobs and gourmets grilled

Published by Dog n Bone
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

Do you know your lardo from your Le Creuset, your sous vide from your silverside? If so look away now, this probably isn’t the book for you!

Do you know your lardo from your Le Creuset, your sous vide from your silverside? If so look away now, this probably isn’t the book for you!

So You Think You're A Foodie? takes an irreverent look at those among us who take what they eat just a touch too seriously. With 50 entries examining some of the foodie’s ultimate icons, it’s the perfect way to understand those who strive for the tastiest, most exclusive, most sophisticated gastronomic experiences around. In other words, a show-off with nothing better to do than bleat about how much they love to eat! Each entry covers an aspect of a foodie’s life: from the coveting of virgins—olive oil, of course—and the books they read through to traveling to the dingiest places in search of a truly authentic, locals-only experience—usually McDonald's—and the names they call their kids. So if you’ve ever wondered what your partner, friend, or sibling sees in spending hours trudging through muddy fields on a quest for an elusive mushroom when they could have just gone to the supermarket, or are bemused by their insistence on trying offal at every opportunity rather than sticking to steak, then these wise words provide sensible answers.

About The Author

Alexandra Parsons is an author, editor, and perfectly mannered lady. Her father was a captain in the British Army and she attended Cheltenham Ladies College, one of the finest schools in the British Empire, ensuring she grew up with impeccable manners. The author is based in Richmond, London, UK.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Dog n Bone (February 13, 2018)
  • Length: 128 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781911026457

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