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Real Answers to Real Questions About Sex

About The Book

"Let's get one thing very clear -- there are no stupid questions in sex."

Ever since Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, people have been curious about sex:

Do women really care about size?
Is there any truth to the blue balls rumor?
Could I get HIV from someone performing oral sex on me?
Why do guys like to watch porn so much?

In Sexpertise, Dr. Robin Sawyer, who teaches human sexuality at the University of Maryland, takes the most-asked questions about sex from his enormously popular course and provides scientifically accurate yet honest, entertaining, and most of all, useful answers. From flirting and fetishes to staying power and STDs -- no topic is too embarrassing or off-limits to explore. Whether read cover to cover or as a go-to guide when particular questions arise, Sexpertise delivers all the knowledge you need to separate the truth about sex from its myths and urban legends, and in turn become a true sexpert.

About The Author

Dr. Robin Sawyer taught Sex Ed in the Department of Public and Community Health at the University of Maryland, where he received his Ph.D. His teaching attracted national attention on the Today show and The Washington Post. He received numerous teaching awards and written one of the leading textbooks in the field: Human Sexuality, published by Kendall/Hunt. He created several films on topics related to sexual health and relationships that won fourteen film awards and have been used on college campuses around the country.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Gallery Books (April 22, 2008)
  • Length: 272 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781416953463

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Raves and Reviews

"Sawyer's greatest weapon: straight talk with a healthy dose of humor." -- Today

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