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Pocket Posh Jumble BrainBusters 3

100 Puzzles

Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

By popular demand, we present a third collection of BrainBuster puzzles from Jumble®, the most popular word puzzle in syndication. This Jumble edition combines classic Jumble puzzles with trivia, riddles, math, and even crosswords. Jumble® puzzles and games are played by millions of people each day in newspapers, online, in books, on mobile phones, and more.

Jumble BrainBusters 3 combines the popularity of challenging Jumble puzzles with the intrigue of trivia, riddles, math, and even crosswords. Players solve the puzzle using clues and the answer is revealed, but jumbled. Once the answers are filled in, the player unscrambles the circled letters to solve the mystery answer. Jumble is the world’s No. 1 daily syndicated word puzzle. It appears regularly in more than 650 newspapers and reaches 70 million readers in the U.S. each day.

About The Author

The Puzzle Society is the Web's premier source for challenging, professionally constructed puzzles and games. Updated daily and boasting a gaming archive of more than 8,000 puzzles, The Puzzle Society offers more than 70 nationally syndicated puzzles, including the Washington Post Crossword, Los Angeles Times Crossword, Universal Crossword, Universal Jigsaw, and Daily Jumble.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (August 20, 2013)
  • Length: 120 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449433901

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