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Plant Spirit Healing

A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness

Published by Bear & Company
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

A hands-on approach to working with the healing powers of plant spirits

• Explores the scientific basis underlying the practices of indigenous healers and shamans

• Illuminates the matrix where plant intelligence and human intelligence join

• Reveals that partnering with plants is an evolutionary imperative

Indigenous healers and shamans have known since antiquity that plants possess a spirit essence that can communicate through light, sound, and vibration. Now scientific studies are verifying this understanding. Plant Spirit Healing reveals the power of plant spirits to join with human intelligence to bring about profound healing. These spirits take us beyond mere symptomatic treatment to aligning us with the vast web of nature. Plants are more than their chemical constituents. They are intelligent beings that have the capacity to raise consciousness to a level where true healing can take place.

In this book, herbalist Pam Montgomery offers an understanding of the origins of disease and the therapeutic use of plant spirits to bring balance and healing. She offers a process engaging heart, soul, and spirit that she calls the triple spiral path. In our modern existence, we are increasingly challenged with broken hearts, souls in exile, and malnourished spirits. By working through the heart, we connect with the soul and gain access to spirit. She explains that the evolution of plants has always preceded their animal counterparts and that plant spirits offer a guide to our spiritual evolution--a stage of growth imperative not only for the healing of humans but also the healing of the earth.


from Chapter 13

Plant Allies

Each plant has so many healing aspects and how it manifests for one person may not be the same as for another. This is a cocreative partnership between you and the plant--a mingling of energy fields. My energy with a plant will be different, perhaps, from yours. So the way in which I experience a plant and how I use it for healing purposes may not be the same as yours. Remember, you are the author of your own experience, making you an authority.

The other thing to keep in mind is that plants continue to evolve just as we do. Plants have always preceded humans in their evolution, and new uses for plants are appearing as humans have new needs. What I am discovering is that our evolution is primarily a spiritual one at this point, thus the strong emergence of plant spirits. However, the heart and soul of plants is also evolving so that new uses for plants on physical and structural levels are emerging as well.


I bend over the tall yellow spires picking the sharply serrated browned leaves from the stalk, humming as I work. Squatting down I pull weeds allowing the quiet activity to serve as a meditation. From this deeply serene place I slip into the daydream of Agrimony. There’s a little elflike man sitting at a table writing out prescriptions. Many people are coming to him, and he is handing out prescriptions left and right. Then he notices me and asks what it is I need help with. I say that I’m here to meet him and get acquainted. He says he has no time for chitchat because there are too many people who are sick and need his help. I say I will be happy to help him in his work if he will teach me. He agrees, and I begin my apprenticeship with Agrimony.

Up until now, we have explored the heart, soul, and spirit of plants and how they affect us physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. As plants become your allies you will find that they can also help you with very mundane things like making decisions, manifesting what you want, and helping in conflict situations. Agrimony is one such plant, particularly in regard to altering the circumstances or outcome of a potential conflict. Herbalist Matthew Wood says of Agrimony, “It will change the environment around the person using it.”

Carol relates this experience with Agrimony: “My divorce was turning into a rather nasty affair. I had worked so hard all my life to get where I was and now, in an instant, all of it could be taken away. I told my lawyer what I expected in the divorce and she told me it would never happen even though I deserved it. It was then I started to carry Agrimony with me. Every time I went to the lawyer I had some in my pocket. Then one day we had all the papers and documents laid out on the table and I told my lawyer that before we started to work with them and before I signed anything I needed to sprinkle Agrimony over them. Of course, my lawyer looked at me like I was a mad woman. Now she wants to know all about Agrimony because I got everything I asked for in my divorce even though she said it was impossible.”

In another instance, Chris was building a new house and the town supervisor had to approve her driveway and its name, which was considered a private road. She says, “I have heard stories of the town supervisor from my neighbors, that he was so hard to deal with and he wouldn’t let them name their driveways what they wanted. Finally he came out and I couldn’t believe it. He was like out of a Dickens novel. He was short, had a gloomy countenance, and was very angry; obviously wielding what power he had to the max. He said my driveway was too steep and no 911 vehicles could get up it and that I couldn’t name it what I had hoped for. I knew then that I would need the help of Agrimony. The next time he came I put a piece of Agrimony in my mouth and chewed on it asking the spirit of Agrimony to come and soften him. My friend Karen was with me that time and she said a shiver went through her when she met him. I didn’t give up, even though it appeared the odds were against me and he wasn’t going to back down. I continued to call upon the spirit of Agrimony to help this seemingly hopeless situation. He came again and, again, I put Agrimony in my mouth calling on her spirit to please help me. This time we walked up the driveway together (the same one he had walked several times before), and he said the driveway was just fine and please call it whatever I like. We chatted and laughed our way up the drive. I can only attribute this reversal in behavior to Agrimony.”

Just as the little man in my daydream indicated, Agrimony is used to heal many conditions including inflammatory eye problems and liver conditions such as cirrhosis, gallstones, gout, arthritis, ulcers, colitis, and diarrhea. It serves as a digestive tonic as well as being astringent, which staunches all manner of excessive bleeding and aids in the healing of wounds. It makes an excellent gargle for sore throats and inflamed gums. One of the reasons Agrimony is such a wonderful healing herb is its unique ability to relieve tension in all of its many guises, whether it be in the gut, reproductive organs, during respiration, in a constricted liver or kidney, or the nervous system. A person who is uptight but hides behind a cheerful facade could benefit from Agrimony.

About The Author

Pam Montgomery is an author, teacher, and practitioner who has passionately embraced her role as a spokesperson for the green beings. She has been investigating plants, trees, and their intelligent spiritual nature for more than three decades. She is the author of two books, including the highly acclaimed Plant Spirit Healing; A Guide to Working with Plant Consciousness. She operates the Partner Earth Education Center in Danby, Vermont, where they offer classes, conduct plant research, and hold ceremonies. Pam also teaches internationally on plant spirit healing, spiritual ecology, and people as Nature Evolutionaries. She is a founding member of United Plant Savers and more recently the Organization of Nature Evolutionaries, or O.N.E. Her latest passion is to engage ceremonially in full symbiosis within the plant/human matrix where the elder common plants and trees initiate us and guide us into being truly human. Pam lives in Danby, Vermont.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Bear & Company (January 30, 2008)
  • Length: 248 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781591430773

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Raves and Reviews

“This is a profound work. Written with a clarity and depth of understanding that only someone deeply attuned to their subject could master. Pam Montgomery weaves indigenous wisdom, modern research, science, and quantum physics into a vibrant testament of the sacred and powerful nature inherent in plant medicine. The message transmitted through every page in this amazing book is bound to change our perception of herbal healing--and of medicine in general.”

– Rosemary Gladstar, herbalist and founder of United Plant Savers and author of Rosemary Gladstar&rsqu

“A blessing of a book. Pam Montgomery’s writing shines with what Hildegard of Bingen called viriditas--the healing power of the Green. It is filled with the wisdom of a real herbalist.”

– David Hoffmann, FNIMH, AHG, author of Medical Herbalism and Herbal Prescriptions after 50

“Pam Montgomery lives the way of life she writes about in Plant Spirit Healing. Her extensive knowledge of plants is conveyed in the context of a wider spiritual path of healing and transformation. It honors and utilizes her direct intuitive experience as well as her rigorous studies as a highly respected herbalist and teacher.”

– Nicki Scully, author of Alchemical Healing and Power Animal Meditations

“If you’ve ever found yourself having a conversation with a plant, feeling emotional towards a mountain, or hearing whispers on the wind this book is for you. We are urged to listen very carefully to the primal conversation of plants and join in, widening our community to really include them. Plant Spirit Healing offers practical icebreakers to establish relationships with our green friends, not just those currently used in herbal medicine traditions, but all plants.”

– John Seed, rainforest activist, founder of the Rainforest Information Centre and coauthor of Thinkin

Plant Spirit Healing is a book about communicating with the spirits of plants, and enlisting plant spirits to heal. Pam Montgomery presents a portrait of what it is like to live immersed in a living Nature. Plant Spirit Healing is an antidote to the excesses of modern life, stripped of meaning, spirit, and relationship. Words like love, joy, spirit, and life can be abstractions, but here they are real.”

– Matthew Wood, AHG, author of The Book of Herbal Wisdom

“Pam’s new book, Plant Spirit Healing, gets to the root of a profound way to wholeness--from modern physics to native tradition--then takes us through a growing process of learning and deepening our trust in connections with the loving power of the green world. She ultimately helps us create a flowering of this wonderful way of healing in our own lives and with our clients. In my mind, it is already a classic.”

– Brooke Medicine Eagle, author of Buffalo Woman Comes Singing and The Last Ghost Dance

“Every soul searching for truth will drink in the words on these pages like a healing potion, whether or not one has any experience using herbs. And for those who love Latin names and chemistry, this door opens a way to the power of plants that goes far beyond the physical.”

– Amanda McQuade Crawford, MNIMH, RH(AHG), author of Herbal Remedies for Women and The Herbal Menopaus

“Pam Montgomery has built a tangible bridge between the spiritual needs of people and the spiritual powers of plants. She shows us how to work with these powerful allies to heal our bodies and nourish our souls. This work presents a whole new arena for plant lovers and herbalists. At this time in our evolution, plant spirits can and will be our partners in a new paradigm of mutual understanding that might just save us all. Pam is a spiritual ambassador for the plant kingdom, urging us to view and sense plants in a profoundly deep way that honors their much overlooked spiritual gifts, and she shows us how to tap into this power for healing of ourselves and the planet.”

– Rosita Arvigo, ND, author of Sastun and Spiritual Bathing

"You've heard of gardeners talking to their plants to help them grow. What about letting plants talk to us? . . . Montgomery explores the many avenues for gaining information and insight from the plant world . . . "

– Rutland Herald

" . . . contains many personal accounts of interactions with plants with both herself and her students."

– Richard D. Wright, New Age Retailer

"This book weaves in modern research and quantum physics, but does not stop there. It becomes an experiential lesson to lead readers into deepening their relationship with healing plants. Anyone with an open mind can follow Montgomery's directions, much of which involves developing a keen sense of observation and attention."

– The American Herb Association Quarterly Newsletter, Vol. XXIII, Issue 3, Summer 2008

"This groundbreaking book is based on the author's own research and experience. She explains how readers can bring about wellness and balance by joining with the spirit essence of the plants. At the same time, this accomplishes other important goals, such as healing the earth and providing experiences with nature."

– BellaOnline, March 2009

"That Plant Spirit Healing is a top seller for its publisher signals that not only is it written in an accessible way, but that the modern audience resonates with the idea that people and plants share root and bough."

– Cascade Anderson Geller, Herbalist, Nov 2009

"Herbalist Pam Montgomery not only gives us a concise glimpse into origins of disease and the therapeutic use of plant spirits, she gives us ways we can heal our own body, mind and spirit though the healing powers. . . Montgomery will give you, in lay-terms, inspiration to make changes within your own life and reflect the importance of plant life in human survival and healing our planet."

– Irene Watson, Reader Views, August 2010

"Plants lead the way in the creation of the Earth and now they guide us in our evolving spiritual awakening in our co-creative partnership with them. Plants become an evolutionary imperative both for us and the Earth. This book is a very important read for us as we go into the New Age, a book with which I deeply resonate in my own work with ecstatic trance that I use for journeying into the spirit world of plants."

– Nicholas Brink, author of Ecstatic Soul Retrieval

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