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Ocho decisiones sanadoras (Life's Healing Choices)

Liberese de sus heridas, complejos, y habitos

Foreword by Rick Warren



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About The Book

La vida es un regalo. La dicha y la sanación tenemos que elegirlas.

Todos hemos sido heridos por otros, nos hemos hecho daño y hemos herido a otros. Como resultado, todos y cada uno de nosotros termina con algún tipo de herida, complejo o mal habito. Pero la pregunta que nos toca responder es: ¿Cómo será el resto de nuestra vida?

Este libro de John Baker ofrece ocho decisions sanadoras que nos liberaran de nuestras heridas, complejos y malos habitos, y nos promoten la dicha verdadera y una vida plena. Usando las Bienaventuranzas de Jesus como fundamento, Rick Warren, pastor titular de la Iglesia Saddleback, y Baker, quien también es pastor en Saddleback, desarrollaron las ocho decisiones presentadas en este libro.

A medida que usted aprenda las ocho decisiones sanadoras y conozca historias dramáticas de vidas transformadas, encontrara el sendero de Dios hacia la plenitud, el crecimiento, la madurez espiritual, la dicha y la sanación.

About The Author

Christopher Broek

John Baker is the founder of Celebrate Recovery, a ministry started at Saddleback Church. Over the last twenty-three years, it is estimated that more than 3.5 million people have gone through this Christ-centered recovery program. There are currently 30,000+ churches that have weekly meetings. John and his wife Cheryl have been married over four decades and have served together in Celebrate Recovery since 1991. They have two adult children, Laura and Johnny, and five grandchildren.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Howard Books (November 6, 2012)
  • Length: 320 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781476717081

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Raves and Reviews

"You will be inspired, and your life will be changed in dramatic ways as you read through the pages of this book." —Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life

– Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life

"Sometimes, recovery, healing, and spiritual growth are talked about as if they are three different topics. What I like about John's work is that he brings them all together, and we find that no matter what our issues, we are all on the same path. Life's Healing Choices will be a help along that path to all who read it." —Dr. Henry Cloud, author of Boundaries

– Dr. Henry Cloud, author of Boundaries and Integrity

"This is a book whose time has come. John Baker's worldwide ministry and reputation, coupled with a strong biblical approach, make this book a must for anyone who hurts and wants God to heal them. My personal friendship with John and years of involvement in his work have shown me his heart, his calling, and his gifts to the world. I highly recommend this book." —Dr. John Townsend, psychologist, author of Who's Pushing Your Buttons? and coauthor of Boundaries

– Dr. John Townsend, psychologist, author of Who's Pushing Your Buttons? and coauthor of Boundaries

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