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Fingerprints of You



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About The Book

A teen embarks on the road trip of a lifetime in this authentic, beautifully written debut novel.

Lemon grew up with Stella, a single mom who wasn’t exactly maternal. Stella always had a drink in her hand and a new boyfriend every few months, and when things got out of hand, she would whisk Lemon off to a new town for a fresh beginning. Now, just as they are moving yet again, Lemon discovers that she is pregnant from a reckless encounter—with a guy Stella had been flirting with.
On the verge of revisiting her mother’s mistakes, Lemon struggles to cope with the idea of herself as a young unmarried mother, as well as the fact that she’s never met her own father. Determined to have at least one big adventure before she has the baby, Lemon sets off on a cross-country road trip, intending not only to meet her father, but to figure out who she wants to be.
Lyrical and moving prose from an original voice whose writing Judy Blume calls “luminous” deftly depicts the nuanced conflicts of early motherhood and the search for identity.


MY MOTHER GOT HER THIRD TATTOO on my seventeenth birthday, a small navy hummingbird she had inked above her left shoulder blade, and though she said she picked it to mark my flight from childhood, it mostly had to do with her wanting to sleep with Johnny Drinko, the tattoo artist who worked in the shop outside town.

“Stella-Stella,” he said when we entered. He sat in a black plastic chair in the waiting area, flipping through a motorcycle magazine, and he looked up and smiled. Big teeth, freckles, alarmingly cool. “Good to see you.”

He put the magazine down as the bell above our heads dinged when the door closed behind us. He was tan and toned and a little bit sweaty, and he wore a dirty-blond ponytail that hung to his shoulders. His sharp eyes were so blue, I thought of swimming pools and icicles the first time I saw him. My mother told me about Johnny Drinko after he gave her the orange and blue fish on her hip, but I’d expected him to be as unlikable as the other burnouts Stella hung around with back then. I had not expected him.

“And you brought your kid sister this time.” He winked at her, and I popped a bubble with my piece of pink Trident, listened to the hot hiss of the tattoo needle inking skin somewhere inside the shop.

The hummingbird was Stella’s third tattoo, but it was the first time she let me come along, so she was nervous, her hips shifting from left to right inside her tiny white shorts. It took a lot to make her shaky, and I could tell she wanted a beer or maybe a highball of vodka, but I knew she’d go through with it since I was there watching. Once she made her mind up, there was no going back. It was one of the things I liked and disliked about my mother.

“Lemon’s my kid,” she said to Johnny, and she tucked a panel of frizzy bleached hair behind her ear.

She’d gotten a perm a few weeks earlier and was still adjusting to the weight of the nest hovering above her shoulders. It was the first and last perm she ever got, but I’ll never forget the vast size of her head with her hair frazzled and sprung out around her face like that.

“I figured it’d be good to bring her along, let her see how much it hurts,” she said, and I thought of our argument the week before when I announced I wanted a tattoo of my own.

“Like hell,” she had said when I told her about the sketch of the oak tree I found in an art book at school. We were in the apartment, and she was making baked chicken for dinner. Again.

“You have two,” I reminded her.

“I also have nineteen years on you and my own job.” She peeled back the skin of the bird’s breast and shoved a pat of butter underneath.

I rolled my eyes. “I’ve got my own money,” I said, which was true. I’d been saving my allowance and slipping five-dollar bills from her purse when she wasn’t paying attention.

“You’re not even seventeen yet, and I’m your mother. No. Chance. In. Hell,” she said, and she put her hand up like a stop sign as if directing traffic, signaling that the conversation was indisputably over.

Johnny Drinko wiped his palms on his jeans and ran his eyes over the curves of my body. “Lemon, huh? How’d you get a name like that?”

And then my mother used the laugh she saved for men she wanted to screw when she wasn’t sure they wanted to screw her back. “Look at her.” She nudged me forward toward him. “Sharp and sour since the day she popped out.”

It never ceased to amaze me that she insisted on using this line for explaining my name, when really we both knew she picked Lemon on account of her obsession with the color the September I was born. She was a recreational painter, and each month she randomly selected one shade to use as the base for all her work. September of the year I was born was the month of Lemon, a muted yellow paint she found in an art store when we lived in Harrisburg.

Johnny Drinko sat down behind the cash register and lit a Marlboro Red while my mother leafed through binders of tattoo sketches. The shop smelled like plastic wrap and cigarettes and sweat, and I could feel Johnny watching me from behind the counter, so I cocked my hip and put my hands on my waist, reciprocating.

I’d lost my virginity that spring to a senior at school, and even though we only did it four times before he got suspended for selling weed at a soccer game, I considered myself to be experienced. The first time the pothead and I tried it regular, the second time he did it from behind, and the last two times he used his tongue first, so even though I was just getting started, I thought I knew what felt good and what didn’t. I’d learned enough, at least, to recognize that a guy like Johnny Drinko could teach me all the things I still wanted to learn.

I moved next to his chair and looked at the photos taped on the wall behind his head: Polaroids of bandanna-wearing bikers and big-haired blondes with crooked teeth showing off sharply inked dragons and crosses on forearms and ankles. “Roughnecks” we called them, the townies who never left town, never went to college or got a real job, the grown-ups who never grew up. There were also photos of sports-team emblems tattooed on fine-tuned athletes and pictures of girls in low-slung jeans sporting new tramp stamps: fresh flowers and vines inked at the base of their spines. Aerosmith played from a set of cheap speakers mounted on the wall, and a fan blew warm air inside from a corner by the window while Johnny leaned over a leather notebook sketching a tree with long-reaching roots and thin, naked branches.

“You going to the race next month?” he asked me.

I shook my head, and behind us my mother said, “Oh, I think I like this one” to no one in particular.

Stella and I lived in a small city in southern Virginia that had a NASCAR racetrack built on the outskirts of town. We’d been living there for over a year and a half, and race weekend happened twice a year, but the closest I’d come to going was parking with the pothead in a cul-de-sac near enough to the track that we could listen to the buzz of cars between beers and awkward conversation.

“I must have inked a hundred NASCAR fans last spring. This one guy had me do a foot-long car driving up his back. It was pretty cool, really.” Johnny nodded to the photos on the wall. “I did a good job.”

I shrugged and popped another pink bubble, my trademark gesture that fall. My mother called the habit white-trash, but my friend Molly-Warner read an article in one of her magazines about the importance of drawing attention to your lips when flirting with boys, and she insisted we follow the rule.

“His old man had been a racer, got killed back in ’81 in a crash,” Johnny said between drags off his smoke. “That tat was really important to him.”

I could see the black ink of a design inching up the back of his neck, and I suddenly wished my mom wasn’t there so I could reach over and take a drag off his Marlboro. I needed my mouth around the tight white tube where his lips had just been. I was looking at him, and he was looking back, but then a woman with bright red hair pushed aside the white sheet that separated the waiting area from the tattooing room, spoiling the moment. She had wet, glassy eyes and a square of Saran Wrap taped below her collarbone.

“All good, Suzie Q?” Johnny asked, and they moved to the register.

“It’s a keeper.” She smiled at him and then at me.

I nodded like I knew exactly how it felt to walk into a room without a tattoo and to walk out of the same room permanently adorned. She shifted her attention back to Johnny, who was eyeing her with a slick smile slapped across his face, and I had a quick but detailed vision of them screwing in the truck bed of a white pickup. She was on top, bucking back and forth with her palms pressing into his chest, and his eyes were closed while his body pulsated beneath all that pumping. He might have liked it, or maybe not. I couldn’t decide.

My mother called my name then, and I looked up and winked at Johnny before I turned away from him, checking to see if I could get his attention the same way Stella and the redhead had.

It took about twenty minutes for Stella to settle on the hummingbird, then she handed Johnny the sketch and leaned over the counter where he sat. “You mind?” she said, and she took a smoke from his pack. I thought of her mood swings back when she quit and the nervous way she used to chew her fingernails. She caught me watching her when she brought the Marlboro to her lips. “See something you like, kiddo?” she asked, and then she followed Johnny Drinko to the customers’ chair behind the white sheet.

The other tattoo artist, a man with a thin black braid, finished cleaning his gear while Johnny completed the stencil and poured ink into tiny white paper cups sitting on the stand next to his chair.

“I’m taking lunch,” the other guy said, and he pulled off a pair of pale blue surgical gloves and tossed them into the trash.

And then it was just me, my mom, and Johnny Drinko squished inside the heat of the tattoo room.

That was the third town we had lived in since we’d left Denny, and I liked it best, because of the low mountains and the sticky summers and the way our apartment smelled like fresh bread all the time, since we lived next to the sub shop by the mall. It was a rough ride to get there after the six months at the Jersey Shore with Rocco from the pool hall, and I was glad to be in Virginia, where my mom seemed calmer and the men she dated were quieted by the innate laziness of a small town. My best friend, Molly-Warner, had a car and a fake ID, and we had spent the summer making out with boys from school and smoking cigarettes at the public pool in town. I’d finally found my lady curves, as Stella called them once while watching me under raised eyebrows, and when school started that month, Molly-Warner and I would head to the neighborhood park after class and spend our afternoons in our bikini tops, lying out, reading books, and gossiping about our teachers, our classmates, the latest school scandal. Stella liked to take her notebooks up to the Blue Ridge Parkway on the weekends to sketch split-rail fences and ragged farmhouses she’d paint back at home. It was the first time I felt like we were ready to put Denny and Rocco and those last years behind us, and I hoped we stayed in town until I finished high school. It was my senior year, and I was sick of moving boxes and cheap motels and having to make friends every time my mom picked a new place for us to live. I needed to finish driver’s ed. I needed to stay in one place long enough so I could recognize the faces in the crowd when graduation finally happened. I’d finally found a group of friends, mellow kids like me and Molly-Warner who partied a little but also knew how to keep out of trouble, and the librarian at school liked me enough to drop the late fees I’d accrued over the summer. Plus, Stella had a good job working in the jewelry department at J.C. Penney, and I could tell she liked the cheap rent and the apartment that smelled like bread too.

Johnny Drinko was pressing the hummingbird stencil against my mom’s skin when she licked her lips and said, “Get me a mint from my purse, Lemon. I need something to suck on.”

It was not the first time I’d watched my mother throw herself at a man. She’d been throwing herself at men in each town we passed through ever since we left Denny after the black eye. She was pretty and thin and wore cute clothes, and after all the drama when she and Denny split up, I was just glad to see her back on her feet. I knew she liked the game—the chase and the satisfaction of getting what she wanted—but there was something about Johnny Drinko that made me nervous, something I sensed right away that day at the shop. He was mysterious like he had a secret, and controlled like he knew what he wanted, and that had me worried. If Stella wanted him and he didn’t want her back, if the game lasted too long, she’d walk away. While we’d been living in Virginia, things had finally evened out, but I was constantly afraid she’d get bored or, worse, vulnerable, and I knew it would be someone like Johnny Drinko who would send us moving again.

I used to tell my friends my mother was made of metal and glass. She was smooth and sturdy on the surface, but there was always that part in danger of shattering, a childlike aspect that never disappeared. I resented that unpredictability and tiptoed around the threat of her cracking apart, of her dragging us out of one city and into the next.

“Let’s motor,” she said as she took the breath mint from me, sucked it between her lips with a smile, and settled into the chair. Then I watched Johnny Drinko ink a perfect permanent hummingbird above her shoulder blade.

Reading Group Guide

A Reading Group Guide for

Fingerprints of You
By Kristen-Paige Madonia

About the Book
Lemon Williams was raised buried in the shadow of her free-spirited mother, Stella, and, consequently, her childhood was spent on the move—dodging disasters and mastering the art of packing up apartments, of being the new kid, and of leaving the past behind.

But when Lemon begins her senior year at another new school, she realizes she’s taken an inescapable part of their last life with them: she’s pregnant. In an attempt to fill in the gaps of her history and to avoid repeating Stella’s mistakes, she decides she must set things right by going in search of her father, a man she has never met. So as new life grows inside her, Lemon boards a Greyhound bus and heads west to San Francisco in hopes of freeing herself from her childhood mishaps and discovering the true meaning of family.

HC: 9781442429208
PB: 9781442429215
Also available as an eBook.

Prereading Questions/Activities

• How do you define a traditional or conventional family versus a nontraditional family? What are the benefits and/or challenges of each?
• How are stereotypes created, and how can they be dangerous?
• Do you believe teen pregnancy inevitably “ruins” a young person’s life? Explain.

Discussion Questions

1. Kristen-Paige Madonia begins the book with a quote by John Irving. In what ways does the overarching message of this quote reflect the events and themes of Fingerprints of You?

2. How does the cover of the book and the tattoo described in the opening sentence serve as a symbol?

3. When Lemon runs into her ex-boyfriend at the end of Chapter Two, she realizes that her actions at the tattoo shop have turned into “a girl worth remembering once I moved away.” At that point in the story, does Lemon believe that is a good or a bad thing, and does her view change by the end of the book? Explain.

4. Chapter Three opens with a list of stereotypes Lemon finds at her new school. Do these stereotypes exist in your school? How can these kinds of stereotypes limit your individuality? In contrast, how can they enhance your social experiences in school?

5. Along with over a hundred and fifty men and women in town, Emmy’s father is sent to Afghanistan. How do you believe the absence of her father affects the decisions she makes throughout the novel?

6. Describe Lemon’s relationship with her mother. How does this relationship change?

7. Is Lemon a responsible teenager? Explain.

8. Lemon chooses to purchase a one-way ticket to San Francisco, though she doesn’t admit this to anyone. Would you have made the same decision? Explain.

9. Would you consider Ryan to be the antagonist of Lemon’s story?

10. Aiden believes that “kids in America go to college too young.” Do you agree or disagree?

11. Ryan, a musician who works in a nightclub and concert venue, advises Lemon, “the key [to life] is finding a job that’s based around the one thing you love the most.” If you had to pick a career for Lemon based on this advice, what would it be? What would you choose for yourself?

12. How might parents, teachers, and school officials benefit from reading Lemon’s story? How would other teens who have been raised by single parents or are facing parenthood themselves benefit?

13. This book could be described as a coming-of-age story. Describe the ways that the following characters exhibit personal growth by the end of the novel: Stella, Lemon, Ryan.

14. What makes the title, Fingerprints of You, fitting for this novel, and how does it relate to theme and/or the overall lessons Lemon learns during her journey?


1. You are a reporter at one of the following scenes from the book:
• The bomb-threat call at Lemon’s school.
• Lemon meeting her father for the first time.
• The New Year’s Eve party in San Francisco.
Write the story for your newspaper.

2. Write a letter to one of the characters in the novel. What advice would you give Lemon, Emmy, Stella, or Ryan?

3. Imagine it is six months after the end of the novel. Create a conversation between the following characters:
• Lemon and Stella
• Aiden and Lemon
• Ryan and Stella
• Lemon and Ryan

4. Kristen-Paige Madonia’s website includes a series of “Lemon’s Lists.” Choose one book or film from the lists and explain why and how Lemon would have related to it.

5. Lemon finds comfort in San Francisco by working in a small neighborhood bookstore in the city. Visit your own local bookstore and write a description of the setting; include sensory details such as smells and sounds.

About the Author

Kristen-Paige Madonia lives in Charlottesville, VA, with her husband, their son, and their feisty dog, Berkeley. She has taught creative writing at the University of Virginia, James Madison University, and the University of New Mexico Taos Summer Writers’ Conference. Her second novel, Invisible Fault Lines, will be published in spring 2016 by Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
Twitter: @KPMadonia

Guide written by the author.

About The Author

Photograph by Christopher Gordon

Kristen-Paige Madonia is the author of Fingerprints of You, and her short fiction has been published in the Greensboro Review, The New Orleans Review, American Fiction, and Five Chapters. She holds an MFA from California State University, Long Beach, and now lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, with her husband and son. She teaches creative writing at the University of Nebraska, Omaha MFA program, the University of Virginia, and James Madison University. Visit her at and @KPMadonia.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers (August 7, 2012)
  • Length: 272 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781442429208
  • Grades: 9 and up
  • Ages: 14 - 99

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Raves and Reviews

“Kristen-Paige Madonia is a remarkable young novelist. Her writing is luminous, her voice original, and the journey she takes us on, compelling. From the first page she pulls the reader into a world of authentic characters we've never met before, characters living real and complicated lives, and she doesn't let go. Sure to appeal to both teens and adults who will want to read it again, just as I did. What a thrill to discover this talented writer.”

– Judy Blume

"Lemon's thoughts, actions and feelings are palpable, and we are tugged along with her on her journey to find out who she is--and how much the imprints of those in her past and present will affect her future. Beautiful prose and a heartfelt story."

– Kathryn Erskine, National Book Award-winning author of Mockingbird

"A strong first novel, Madonia’s coming-of-age tale reveals both flawed and compassionate characters."


"Beautifully told."

– Kirkus Reviews

"Debut novelist Madonia offers an intimate reflection on the meaning of family...[a] thoughtful story about finding an identity and a home."

– Publishers Weekly

"A character-driven...a well-written and thought-provoking debut."

– Booklist

"Readers will appreciate the candidness of the writing. This compelling debut novel is sure to appeal."

– School Library Journal

"The characters are complex, fully drawn people who make mistakes, change, grow, and remain likable through it all."


Awards and Honors

  • ALA/ YALSA Readers' Choice Nomination
  • ALA/YALSA Best Fiction for Young Adults - Nominee
  • Westchester fiction Award Honorable Mention (CA)

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