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Facts from Space!

From Super-Secret Spacecraft to Volcanoes in Outer Space, Extraterrestrial Facts to Blow Your Mind!



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About The Book

A guided tour through the universe--and beyond!

From the sun's super-hot core to the many moons of Neptune, we're traveling to the far reaches of our solar system and beyond! Astronomer Dean Regas presents Facts from Space!--an exciting education on everything outside our atmosphere. Inside, you'll discover space facts and celestial trivia, including:
  • A day on Venus is longer than its year.
  • Early space missions ejected human waste into space, where it froze into intricate crystals that still float in space today.
  • After being in space, some astronauts returned to Earth up to 2 inches taller than when they left.
  • The stars in the Big Dipper are shifting among themselves and will look like a "Big Spatula" by the year 75,000.
  • And more!
Packed with fascinating information, it's a stellar read for sci-fi fans and at-home astronomers alike!

About The Author

Photograph by Mary Strubbe

Dean Regas is the astronomer for the Cincinnati Observatory and cohost of the syndicated television program Star Gazers. His writing has appeared in Astronomy magazine, Sky & Telescope magazine, and HuffPost, and in 2017 he began a podcast called Looking Up. Dean is the author of Facts from Space!, 100 Things to See in the Night Sky (Northern Hemisphere edition) and 100 Things to See in the Night Sky (Sourthern Hemisphere edition).

Product Details

  • Publisher: Adams Media (October 1, 2016)
  • Length: 240 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781440597022

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Raves and Reviews

"Loaded with unique tidbits perfect for space fans of all ages." --Cincinnati Family Magazine

"A handy book you will refer to again and again. It will provide you with a multitude of topics and stories." --Astronomy Magazine

"Makes learning about the universe easy and accessible. It's filled with entertaining bits that any space lover can appreciate. The unique and accessible format and tone of Facts From Space! sets it apart from other books that have attempted the all-encompassing approach at writing about the universe."

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