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Death of an American Jewish Community

About The Book

Hillel Levine and Lawrence Harmon recount the death of a Boston community once home to 90,000 Jewish residences living among African Americans and white ethnic.

With frightening personal testimonies included, Death of an American Jewish Community provides blatant evidence of manipulated housing prices and illustrates how inadequate government regulation of banks can contribute to ethnic conflict and lives destroyed.

Written by a sociologist and a journalist, the authors believe that their findings may be true for American cities in general. The lessons included in this book are essential for students of ethnic relations and urban affairs.

About The Authors

Hillel Levine is Professor of Sociology and Religion at Boston University and President of the International Center for Conciliation. Levine attended Harvard, where he studies for the rabbinate with the Abraham Joshua Heschel. He has taught at Harvard and Yale and served as a visiting professor in Japan, India, China, Poland, and Israel, among other nations.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Touchstone (March 29, 1993)
  • Length: 400 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780029138663

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