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Children in the Holocaust and World War II

Their Secret Diaries



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About The Book

Children in the Holocaust and World War II is an extraordinary, unprecedented anthology of diaries written by children all across Nazi-occupied Europe and in England.

Twenty-three young people, ages ten through eighteen, recount in vivid detail the horrors they lived through. As powerful as The Diary of Anne Frank and Zlata's Diary, children's experiences are written with an unguarded eloquence that belies their years.

Some of the diarists include: a Hungarian girl, selected by Mengele to be put in a line of prisoners who were tortured and murdered; a Danish Christian boy executed by the Nazis for his partisan work; and a twelve-year-old Dutch boy who lived through the Blitzkrieg in Rotterdam. And many others. These heartbreaking stories paint a harrowing picture of a genocide that will never be forgotten, and a war that shaped many generations to follow.

All of their voices and visions ennoble us all.

About The Author

Laurel Holliday, formerly a college teacher, editor, and psychotherapist, now writes full time in Seattle. She is the award-winning author of the Children of Conflict series: Children in the Holocaust and World War II: Their Secret Diaries; Children of The Troubles: Our Lives in the Crossfire of Northern Ireland; Children of Israel, Children of Palestine: Our Own True Stories; and Children of the Dream: Our Own Stories of Growing Up Black in America. Laurel Holliday is also the author of Heartsongs, an international collection of young girls’ diaries, which won a Best Book for Young Adults Award from the American Library Association.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria Books (February 4, 2014)
  • Length: 432 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781439121979

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