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Cat vs Human: Another Dose of Catnip

Book #2 of Cat vs Human
Published by Andrews McMeel Publishing
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

This second collection of Cat vs Human cartoons makes witty observations about the friendship between humans and felines. The book is based on the popular blog catversushuman and includes more than twenty new comics that appear only in this collection.

Cat owners are familiar with those little joys of owning a feline friend: From finding cat hair-covered dresses to creating, well, inventive cuddle positions for sleepy time, Yasmine Surovec is all too familiar with the world of a cat lover.

In her second collection of Cat vs Human comics, Surovec dives further into the intricacies of cat ownership. Perhaps you've had the pleasure of awakening next to a lovely gift from your cat—such as a dead mouse or hairball—or maybe you understand the necessary pain tolerance that comes from being a scratching post for unclipped claws. Either way, this book is sure to leave you rolling with laughter . . . on your cat hair-infested floor. This collection includes 140 comics from the blog plus 21 new, never-before-seen comics created specifically for this book.

About The Author

In addition to being the creative talent behind, Yasmine Surovec is an illustrator and designer behind a number of popular online ventures. Her work has been featured on popular sites such as Apartment Therapy, Craft Magazine, Decor8, I Can Has Cheezburger, and more. She lives in Phoenix, AZ, with her husband, three cats, and puppy.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing (October 15, 2013)
  • Length: 176 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781449433314

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