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Astrologia Espiritual (Spiritual Astrology)

About The Book

Astrología Espiritual es el primer libro sobre las relaciones entre la influencia de los planetas y el desarrollo espiritual personal. Sencilla pero muy completa guía astrologica para descubrir los grandes designios de la vida, ofrece también las claves para el fortalecimiento de los siguientes aspectos de la personalidad:
  • libre manifestación de la individualidad
  • autoestima y estabilidad emocional
  • realización social
  • independencia y libertad de espíritu
  • dicha emotiva
  • dominio de sí mismo, aptitud personal y muchas cosas más.

La gran aportación de Astrología Espiritual es haber redescubierto la importancia de los eclipses solares y lunares inmediatamente anteriores al nacimiento, lo que constituye toda una revelación para quienes acostumbran consultar el zodiaco.

About The Authors

Jan Spiller is a faculty member of the American Federation of Astrologers and the author of three bestselling astrology texts: Spiritual Astrology, New Moon Astrology, and Astrology for the Soul, as well as a new book, Cosmic Love. Well-known in the astrology world, Jan has has hosted her own local television and radio shows: Ecliptic; The Good Life; and the nationally syndicated, daily radio show: Astrology Education Now. Currently, Jan writes a monthly column in Dell Horoscope Magazine (the largest astrological publication in the world), and runs her web site which logs about 270,000 hits a day. Jan recently completed the first season of The Jan Spiller Show - a live, call-in advice broadcast in which she responds to listeners' questions about astrology and reads their charts to empower them with objective knowledge to help them guide their lives.

Karen McCoy is a third generation astrologer who has dedicated over thirty-five years to teaching and assisting people to integrate the emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of themselves. Her astrological practice is international and includes several thousand clients. She is also a nationally recognized author and public speaker on astrology, motivational and metaphysical subjects. Karen has served on the executive board of advisors and as past president of the South Florida Astrological Association, Inc.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Atria/Primero Sueno Press (August 9, 1995)
  • Length: 448 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780684813295

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Raves and Reviews

Philip Sedgwick Autor de The Astrology of Transcendence y The Astrology of Deep Space La Astrología cuenta por fin con una explicación completa de los eclipses prenatales y una interpretación de los planetas con contenido espiritual. Muy recomendable para las personas interesadas en el karma grupal y el destino del individuo.

Jeanne Avery Autora de The Rising Sign y Astrology and Your Past Lives El descubrimiento del condicionamiento prental es una excelente pista para comprender la existencia individual. Astrología Espiritual es una lectura más que recomendable.

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