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A Season of Possibilities



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About The Book

Why does it seem we feel closer to God when we are immersed in a natural or idyllic or wild setting? And then even more so at dawn or dusk?

We know by scripture and experience that a loving God who never sleeps and is not influenced by the concept of time is accessible to us at any time and any place. Yet we also know that our life, our world, is one of seasons. Our days, our bodies, our emotions, and even the ease with which we find God are ever changing in nature and intensity according to weather, seasons, sunlight, and time.

About The Author

Photo Credit:

Mal Austin is one of Australia's most prominent Christian artists with a camera.
A former schoolteacher, Mal now devotes his time to capturing the beauty of
nature and crafting it into posters, gift cards, calendars, and books.

Eighteen years of commercial photography saw him complete over 650 weddings and
hundreds of family portraits and advertising assignments. In 2000, Mal began a
new photographic direction under the name of God-given works, believing God had
given him new works to do. He specializes in the use of a panoramic film camera,
and his work takes him deep into the Australian and New Zealand countryside to
capture many isolates with untouched landscapes.

Mal also works in close-up floral images with an emphasis on color, pattern,
shape, and texture. While some images used in this book are from large-format
Pentax and Bronica film cameras, most are digitally captured using Nikon D70 and
D80 cameras.

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More books from this author: Mal Austin

More books in this series: Picture Psalms