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William E. Rapp
About The Author
William E. Rapp is a retired Army major general, educator, college administrator, and proven leader with over thirty-three years of military service—including eighteen years of senior management and education experience leading positive change in large and diverse organizations of up to 17,000 personnel in the United States and in international settings. He is a combat veteran of three wars, a former president of a graduate college, and well-known for collegiality, innovation, consensus building, and inspiring positive change. To planning legislative strategies for policies and funding of the U.S. Army, to supplying all needs of the 160,000 military forces in Afghanistan, to managing water resources in the western United States, and directing the research efforts of a think tank, General Rapp is highly practiced in organizational assessments, visioning, strategic planning, execution, and aligning purpose in organizations facing complex problems. He has significant personal history as a team builder and a well-known professional reputation for developing ethical, courageous, and creative leaders.
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