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Susana Polo
About The Author
Susana Polo is a journalist and writer living in New York City, and a senior entertainment editor at Her wheelhouse includes superhero comics, The Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, and many more strange and wonderful corners of popular culture.
Raised in New Jersey, she graduated from the creative writing program of Oberlin College and began her career at Abrams Media, where she founded The Mary in 2011. She joined Polygon in 2015 to start the site's expansion from covering the world of video games to the wide world of entertainment and culture. She has been invited to speak on comics, pop culture, fandom and their intersections with queerness, race, and feminism at venues like San Diego Comic-Con, New York Comic Con, WorldCon, and the Brooklyn Historical Society, as well as for broadcasters like NPR and the BBC.
In her free time she reads millions of comic books, does a lot of cross stitch, watches horse videos on YouTube, and plays video games and TTRPGs. Her favorite non-Middle-earth-related thing that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote is his short story "Leaf, by Niggle," and would recommend it to anyone.
Raised in New Jersey, she graduated from the creative writing program of Oberlin College and began her career at Abrams Media, where she founded The Mary in 2011. She joined Polygon in 2015 to start the site's expansion from covering the world of video games to the wide world of entertainment and culture. She has been invited to speak on comics, pop culture, fandom and their intersections with queerness, race, and feminism at venues like San Diego Comic-Con, New York Comic Con, WorldCon, and the Brooklyn Historical Society, as well as for broadcasters like NPR and the BBC.
In her free time she reads millions of comic books, does a lot of cross stitch, watches horse videos on YouTube, and plays video games and TTRPGs. Her favorite non-Middle-earth-related thing that J.R.R. Tolkien wrote is his short story "Leaf, by Niggle," and would recommend it to anyone.
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