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Scot Thomas
About The Author
I was born in Austin, Texas to the most loving and supportive parents in the world. Growing up my mother and father supported everything I tried, the more I did the more I realized the only thing I'm honestly good at is making people laugh. I spent my life telling jokes, and being funny. Didn't realize that's what I should try and do with my life. Spent time working in the oilfield, joined the military, worked as a barback, and eventually landed in broadcast news. No job has ever felt right. I met David Houchins in the early 90's. We hit it off right away and became jokesters together. Fast forward a few years. Dave and I were out playing discgolf in south Texas and discussing zombies and how everyone always made horrible mistakes in preparing/fighting during the zombie apocalypse. That night we created our facebook page Zombie Apocalypse Preparation. It was a joke between he and I. Just trying to make each other laugh, but somehow people started finding it. Every day we got more people, the posts got more in depth. Suddenly there were tens of thousands of people reading what we wrote and laughing at our jokes. The posts turned into a book, and the book was picked up and published by Permuted Press. In the blink of an eye we were comedy authors. It's not exactly a career yet, but it's a good start doing something I love. Despite the success of our writing we still maintain the original page where it started and still have a great time doing what we do.
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