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Roberto Ohrt
About The Author
Roberto Ohrt lives in Hamburg, received his doctorate in 1988 from the University of Hamburg (Phantom Avantgarde, 1990), and has published numerous works on the history of modern art (with a focus on the Situationist International) and artists such as Martin Kippenberger, Raymond Pettibon, André Butzer, and Albert Oehlen. He has taught as a visiting professor in Munich, Frankfurt, and Kassel and curated exhibitions at the Center Georges Pompidou (1993), Golden Pudel Club (1993-2001), Museum der Moderne (with Margrit Brehm, Salzburg, 2005) and 8.Salon (2010-2015). Co-founded the Akademie lsotrop (1996-2001) and 8.Salon (since 2009).
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