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Malin Gyllensvaan
About The Author
Malin Gyllensvaan is a textile designer and illustrator based in Stockholm, Sweden. She started drawing at an early age and never stopped. Her designs commonly feature flowers and leaves and can be found on textiles for home and fashion, on paper goods, and in children’s books. Because she can’t choose a favorite, Malin incorporates her two loves—gouache and graphite pencil—in nearly every piece she makes. Focusing on the intricacies of color and texture puts her in a meditative state that’s perfect for creating her lush, ethereal, and exotic works.
Malin has a degree in printed textiles from Chelsea College of Arts in London and worked as a textile designer for twelve years before becoming a freelance illustrator. In addition to nature, she is inspired by vintage botanical illustrations and the patterns of the Arts and Crafts Movement.
Malin has a degree in printed textiles from Chelsea College of Arts in London and worked as a textile designer for twelve years before becoming a freelance illustrator. In addition to nature, she is inspired by vintage botanical illustrations and the patterns of the Arts and Crafts Movement.
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