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Maja Hoffmann
About The Author
Maja Hoffmann is the founder of the Luma Foundation, which was established in 2004 in Switzerland, and focuses on the direct relationships between art, culture, human rights, environmental topics, education, and research. Under her leadership, its vision was actualized in the experimental campus Luma Arles, a cultural space in the South of France whose focus is on forward-thinking ideas and the changing nature of contemporary cultural production. Hoffmann is actively involved with a number of institutions internationally. She is currently the President of Swiss Institute, New York, and the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles, and the Vice President of the Emanuel Hoffmann Foundation, Basel. She also serves on the boards of Serpentine Galleries, London, Kunsthalle Zu¨rich, and, in New York, the New Museum of Contemporary Art and the Center for Curatorial Studies at Bard College.
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