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Luke Kennedy
About The Author
Luke S. Kennedy is one of Australia's most sought after public speakers. He uses his personal story to inspire deep, lasting change, and self-awareness, for a wide range of audiences, from primary schools, high schools, businesses, events, and even prisons.For eight years of his life, Luke was an obese alcoholic and drug addicted thug. Leading a violent street fighting crew, he was stabbed on two separate occasions; once in the lung, the other time in the head. On the outside, he looked strong and confident, even happy at times, but on the inside his thoughts would haunt him. He was incredibly scared, depressed, anxious, paranoid, and was obsessed with what others thought about him.After losing 50 kilos, Luke turned his life around through the disciplines of sport (state champion boxer), business, and a constant desire to progress in every area of life; spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. Luke's now a motivational speaker, author, mental health advocate, and mentor to troubled youth.
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