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Lonnie Nadler
About The Author
Lonnie Nadler is a storyteller from Vancouver, Canada. He is best known for his work at Marvel Comics that includes showrunning the Age of X-Man event, and writing numerous titles. He released his critically acclaimed debut graphic novel, The Dregs, in 2017 from Black Mask Studios. His 2018 follow up, Come Into Me, was named one of the best 100 horror comics of all time by Paste Magazine. In 2020, his historical fiction, cosmic horror concoction, Black Stars Above, was longlisted for a Bram Stoker Award. Nadler's current series, Undone By Blood, is in development with BigBaldHead Productions and AMC. He also currently writes for video games and his clients include Ubisoft and Lionshead Entertainment. Lonnie's films have played at festivals around the world. His documentary, Co-Creators, held its world premiered at the DOXA Film Festival in 2018. If you're still reading this too-long bio, Lonnie has also penned stories for VICE, HuffPost, Blood-Disgusting, Seraphim Films, PanelXPanel, Ahoy! Comics Magazine, and numerous other publications. When Lonnie is not building weird stories, he's crushed by the weight of simultaneous imposter syndrome and delusions of grandeur.
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