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Lise Herzog
About The Author
Lise Herzog was born in 1973 in Alsace. Her life began with a ballpoint pen in hand, her goal to fill drafts of A4 paper with her drawings. In search of precision, she observes and redraws every day, trying to figure out how to represent the world accurately. This is how she began pursuing her journey at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Strasbourg. In 1999, with her diploma in hand, she presented her sketchbooks to publishing houses to begin her illustrative career. That same year, she was selected to attend the Bologna Book Fair. Since then, she has illustrated many books for young people and adults, including fiction and nonfiction. Lise Herzog is also the author of instructive drawing books, including The Easy Drawing, The Successful Drawing, Easy Color and Easy Perspective and Composition, Mango editions.
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