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Gwenaëlle Dudek
About The Author
Gwenaëlle Dudek is an illustrator and development coach. Thanks to her job as an illustrator, she fulfills herself by creating wonders for children. It is indeed realized in the youth sector by illustrating books, games and toys for many publishers. Alongside her career as a designer, her therapeutic and self-awakening journey led her to heal herself and to train in many techniques and practices such as Reiki, Traditional Chinese Medicine, energetic dietetics, Non-Violent Communication, mindfulness meditation, coaching, Ikigai and cartomancy. Today, Gwenaëlle is also an author and development coach. She accompanies her clients to accomplish themselves in joy by helping them to align their body with their heart and their spirit. By creating tools such as oracles, she gives people who want to illuminate and enrich their lives the means to access them in a magical and joyful way. Find her on her &
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