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Gayle Kabaker

About The Author

Gayle Kabaker is an award-winning illustrator, writer, teacher, and visual storyteller. Her work tends to be feminine, exploring beauty in all forms. She began her career as a freelance fashion illustrator after graduating from the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Gayle had her first New Yorker magazine cover, "June Brides," celebrating gay marriage in 2012, and has had a total of nine covers since then. She loves painting portraits, especially of women. She painted 100 portraits for Vital Voices - 100 Women Using Their Power to Empower for the book and the companion exhibition at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

Gayle had an ongoing column in the Washington Post called "Sketching My Way Through Crisis" showing how keeping a sketchbook practice can be therapeutic for anyone, even if you're not an artist. She uses her sketchbook to document her life and teaches sketchbook painting workshops all over the world. Gayle lives in Western Massachusetts with her husband, artist Peter Kitchell, and their dog Charlie.

Books by Gayle Kabaker