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Francesco Iaquinta

About The Author

Francesco Iaquinta grew up in a small town in Verbania, a province in the north of Italy.
Passionate about horror and pulp literature (Howard, Burroughs, Doyle, Poe, Lovecraft), after a
brief working period as a comic creator in Italy – and a nomination for the 2015 Boscarato Award
for "Rumble Kid" (Passenger Press) – Francesco got known on the US market with "Croak"
(Alterna Comics), which won him the 2016 Ghastly Award. He was then published in several anthologies: “Cargo” on IF Anthology (Alterna Comics), “Secret City” on Twisted Pulp: Out of the Blue (Stache publishing) and “The City” on Death of the Horror (A Brave Blue World). In 2018 Francesco was awarded with the ComicxCentral People's Choice Award
for the miniseries Sweet Heart (Action Lab), created by the writer Dillon Gilbertson.
The same work won him the 2020 Underrated Comics of the Year and the 2020 Best Horror
Miniserie of the Year. Francesco is currently busy creating "Runes" (Source Point Press), his first creator-owned work available on the US market.

Books by Francesco Iaquinta