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Fabiola Anchorena
About The Author
Fabiola Anchorena grew up between Peru and the United States, studied architecture, and is dedicated to illustration, mainly with nature as the protagonist. She has worked on initiatives linked to the textile sector and corporate design.
Since 2015, she has been a promoter of the Different Folks Co. project, where she brings together her creations made with different drawing, engraving, and sculpture techniques. Her book Waiting for Dawn won the XV Compostela International Prize for Illustrated Albums in 2022 and has been published in over half a dozen languages. In 2023, the project received the First National Prize for Best Published Children's and Youth Books in Spain, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
Since 2015, she has been a promoter of the Different Folks Co. project, where she brings together her creations made with different drawing, engraving, and sculpture techniques. Her book Waiting for Dawn won the XV Compostela International Prize for Illustrated Albums in 2022 and has been published in over half a dozen languages. In 2023, the project received the First National Prize for Best Published Children's and Youth Books in Spain, awarded by the Ministry of Culture and Sports.
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