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Emilia Ojala
About The Author
Emilia Ojala, also known as “Pipilia”, hails from the small, cold country of Finland. A self-taught artist with a degree in graphic design, Emilia had always dreamed of writing and illustrating folk stories (while also owning many pets, of course!). Her passion for storytelling, art, and animation led her to develop her own stories at a very young age. Even back then her stories centered around animals, typically the adventures of her family pets.
The small, Finnish towns she grew up in, with their close proximity to the fields and forests, provided Emilia with many opportunities to spend ample time in nature. These experiences have driven her creative process for tales about what might happen within nature when people aren’t around to see it.
A fan of folklore and mythology, it was while Emilia was reading Finnish tales one afternoon she was inspired to create Fox Fires. Since Finnish myths are somewhat lesser known she felt Fox Fires could be a wonderful opportunity to open them up to the rest of the world.
The small, Finnish towns she grew up in, with their close proximity to the fields and forests, provided Emilia with many opportunities to spend ample time in nature. These experiences have driven her creative process for tales about what might happen within nature when people aren’t around to see it.
A fan of folklore and mythology, it was while Emilia was reading Finnish tales one afternoon she was inspired to create Fox Fires. Since Finnish myths are somewhat lesser known she felt Fox Fires could be a wonderful opportunity to open them up to the rest of the world.
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