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Denny Neave
About The Author
Denny Neave lives in Queensland. His family’s military history began with his Great Great Uncle Ted Hawkins who served in the Crimean war, the Boer War and WWI. His Great Grand Father, John Lingard Neave, served in the navy during WWI and Grand Father John Lingard Neave the second, served with the Militia in New Guinea. Denny’s father Colin Neave was a professional soldier who joined the Infantry Corps and served in almost all of the Royal Australian Regiments. He saw active service in Malaya and Vietnam before retiring as a Sergeant after 20 years service. Growing up in a military environment and seeing the professionalism of his father was the driving inspiration for Denny to continue the long family history of military service. Denny enlisted in the Army Reserve Infantry Corps in 1989 and completed Officer Training. He has served for over 30 years. Denny has authored five military titles and produced a military history documentary Long Tan to Afghanistan.
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