David F. Walker is an award-winning journalist, filmmaker comic book writer, and creator of pop culture 'zine BadAzz MoFo. He is the co-writer and co-creator of NAOMI (DC Comics) and the Eisner Award-winning BITTER ROOT (Image Comics). He is the author of the graphic novels THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY: A GRAPHIC NOVEL HISTORY and THE LIFE OF FREDERICK DOUGLASS (Ten Speed). His other comic book credits include POWER MAN & IRON FIST, NIGHTHAWK, and OCCUPY AVENGERS (Marvel), CYBORG (DC), SHAFT (DYNAMITE), PLANET OF THE APES (Boom), THE ARMY OF DR. MOREAU (IDW/Monkeybrain), and NUMBER 13 (Dark Horse Comics). He is the author of SHAFT'S REVENGE, the first new novel starring John Shaft in over 40 years.
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