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Un tropezón de tres años (Spanish Edition)

Basado en un cuento popular coreano

Published by Ediciones NorteSur
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

Based on the traditional Korean folktale “Samnyeongogae” (Three-Year Mountain Pass), this picture book parable by Korean-German artist Dayeon Auh features a fateful mountain, a superstitious grandfather, and a granddaughter with a clever perspective on life.

Basado en un cuento popular de Corea conocido como «Samnyeongogae» (literalmente «El camino de montaña de los tres años»), este libro ilustrado de la artista coreana-alemana Dayeon Auh presenta una fábula sobre una montaña fatídica, un abuelo supersticioso y una nieta con una inteligente perspectiva sobre la vida.

Legend says that anyone who falls down Misfortune Mountain has three years left to live. Grandfather must travel over the treacherous mountain to get to the market, but one day catastrophe happens and he tumbles down! The doctor says he is perfectly healthy, but Grandfather feels the end is near . . . until his granddaughter comes to visit and makes a different calculation about his fate.

From then after, the legend of the mountain takes on a new meaning, and everyone finds themselves eager to tumble down. A fable that demonstrates how a change in one’s mindset can make a positive impact.

Dice la leyenda que si alguien tropieza y cae en la Montaña del Espanto, solo vivirá por tres años más. Un abuelo tiene que atravesar la peligrosa montaña para llegar al mercado, pero un día ocurre una catástrofe: ¡tropieza y cae en el camino! La doctora dice que se ve perfectamente sano, pero el abuelo siente que se acerca su final... hasta que le visita su nieta, quien logra hacer un nuevo pronóstico sobre su destino.

Desde entonces, la leyenda de la montaña cobra un nuevo sentido, y todos están con ganas de tropezar y caer por sus laderas. Una parábola que demuestra cómo un cambio de mentalidad puede tener un impacto positivo.

About The Author

Dayeon Auh was born in Seoul, South Korea, and studied at Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle, Germany, as well as the University of the Arts in Berlin. She has traveled extensively, including places such as Sri Lanka, India, and Italy, and is often commissioned by hostels along the way to create large murals. She hopes her works will live on, spread joy and inspiration, and highlight the small moments that make life meaningful. She lives and works in Berlin and Leipzig.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Ediciones NorteSur (March 25, 2025)
  • Length: 40 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780735845787
  • Grades: P - 2
  • Ages: 4 - 8

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