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Published by Wisdom Publications
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

Mindfulness is not enough...

When we add kindness to mindfulness we get “kindfulness,” a new approach to meditation. Kindfulness is the cause of relaxation. It brings ease to the body, to the mind, and to the world. Kindfulness allows healing to happen. So don’t just be mindful, be kindful!

With his trademark knack for telling engaging stories paired with step-by-step anyone-can-do-it instructions, Brahm brings alive and makes accessible powerful tools transformation. This slim, beautifully designed volume is a Quick Start guide for living a life of joy and compassion.

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: Wisdom Publications (January 5, 2016)
  • Length: 184 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781614291992

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Raves and Reviews

“If mindfulness observes, kindfulness practices compassion, and this, says Brahm, becomes the key to healing. Readers will find the book’s simple, gentle language and short chapters—with the most important points boldfaced—easy to follow. Perhaps following this gentle guide to countercultural thinking will bring some needed peace to a harried world.”

– Publishers Weekly

“In a stroke of genius, Ajahn Brham turns mindfulness into kindfulness, a practice that opens our hearts to others as well as to ourselves. The kindfulness techniques in this book are easy to incorporate into our everyday lives because Ajahn Brahm illustrates them with stories that all of us can relate to.”

– Toni Bernhard, author of How to Be Sick

“In this little treasure of a book, Ajahn Brahm guides us through five essential stages of meditation, infusing each with the warmth of loving kindness. With his usual gentle humor and gift for story telling, he reviews the common difficulties that practitioners often encounter and offers sage and practical advice about how to work with each one. Divided into short chapters, it’s the perfect format for a once-a-day read that will refresh and inspire everyone traveling the path to Awakening.”

– Jan Chozen Bays, author of Mindful Eating

“Insightful and delightful. This is definitely a book that will find favor with anyone who might be looking to explore deeper and more authentic layers of their own complex psyche through meditation and personal self-awareness.”

– Spirituality Today

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