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Alternativa al uso del estrógeno

Terapia hormonal con progesterona natural

Published by ITI en Espanol
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

Cada vez más mujeres desean encontrar una alternativa natural para la terapia de hormonas sintéticas y sus peligrosos efectos secundarios. Alternativa al uso del estrógeno presenta una de las sustancias naturales más útiles: la progesterona natural. Esta forma de progesterona natural, que se deriva de un ñame silvestre, se puede conseguir en tabletas o en crema. Es idéntica a la progesterona producida por el organismo y por lo tanto, de fácil absorción.

Muchos de los malestares que sufre la mujer, como los calambres menstruales, los abortos espontáneos, y los síntomas, casi siempre negativos, de la menopausia, pueden ser resultado de una deficiencia de progesterona natural, unido al predominio del estrógeno. A este problema contribuyen el estrés, una dieta deficiente y la cada vez peor calidad de los productos frescos. La medicina moderna suele tratar el desequilibrio hormonal prescribiendo hormonas sintéticas con la intención de volver a conseguir la proporción correcta entre el estrógeno y la progesterona. Pero el organismo de la mujer no asimila eficazmente estas hormonas artificiales, con lo que se provocan una serie de efectos secundarios que pueden ser peores que los malestares que se pretenden evitar.

El suplemento de progesterona natural es útil para tratar y prevenir muchas enfermedades: SPM, irregularidad menstrual, infertilidad, depresión, endometriosis, fibromas uterinos y osteoporosis. También es muy eficaz para aliviar bochornos, insomnio, sudor nocturno, sequedad vaginal y otros síntomas de la menopausia. La autora, Raquel Martin, analiza una serie de estudios, muchas veces confusos, sobre la terapia de reemplazo hormonal y guía a las lectoras hacia alternativa naturales. Raquel Martin da consejos acerca de cómo las lectoras pueden colaborar con un médico compresivo a fin de lograr el enfoque adecuado para ellas en particular.

About The Author

Raquel Martin’s experience of her own serious health problems taught her that the beneficial effect of chiropracti care could be reinforced by means of nutritional and hormonal rebalancing. She has since dedicated herself to spreading information about the need for safe natural alternative therapies, co-authoring The Estrogen Alternative and Preventing and Reversing Arthritis Naturally. She lives in Georgia.

Product Details

  • Publisher: ITI en Espanol (September 1, 2000)
  • Length: 248 pages
  • ISBN13: 9780892815890

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Raves and Reviews

"Si eres mujer y no has leido este libro, es muy probable que te estes perdiendo la informacion mas importante de tu vida... Es una defensa convincente, persuasiva, ampliamente documentada y bien escrita, a favor de la progesterona natural, derivada del name, que no requiere receta medica... Una lectura obligada si valoras tu salud. "

– So Young

"If you are a woman and do not read this book, you are very possibly denying yourself the most important information of your physical life. . . . A powerfully persuasive, well-written, and extensively documented case for natural, nonprescription, yam-derived progesterone. . . . A must-read if you value your health."

– Women's Health

"The Estrogen Altenative, is a welcome addition to the now steadily growing body of literature on options that are low in side-effects and high in add-on benefits."

– Nexus

"Any woman who is considering synthetic hormone therapy or who wishes to get off of it owes herself the reading of this densely informative book. The simplicity and safety of the solution is almost shocking. One might ask why every suffering woman is not using botanical progesterone."

– World Health News

"The authors of The Estrogen Alternative represent the grassroots women of the 60's. As maidens they rekindled the cause of feminine independence; as mothers they reclaimed the birthing of babies; and now as matrons they're redefining the passage of menopause."

– Elizabeth L. Schultz, DO, FACOG

"I was thrilled to read The Estrogen Alternative. . .The writing style incorporates the research into a narrative that is easy for the lay person to read. The book is thorough, well-referenced and prepares the reader to make educated choices about their hormonal health."

– Marcia Smith, N.D., Ph.D.

"The Estrogen Alternative has been instrumental in changing my health-care treatment of women. . . Natural progesterone, with its virtual absence of side effects, makes sense; and using it in my practice. . .has greatly improved my patients' quality of life."

– Joseph S. Randall, M.D.

"This is an enlightening, easy-to-read book of vital interest to every woman. It assesses information not generally forthcoming from medical doctors and offers information that can help women decide how to manage the seriously important question of whether or not to take synthetic hormones. This book is a valuable tool if you are interested in maintaining your health naturally."

– Catholic Women's NETWORK, March/April/May 2001

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