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Night in Gaza

Illustrated by Guy Puzey
Published by Olive Branch Press
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A moving account in words and pictures of a doctor at work in Gaza. This book is a medical doctor’s account of what he witnessed in Gaza in the summer of 2014. It is the photo story you will not see on television or in the newspapers. On July 7, 2014, Israel launched a series of aerial attacks on Gaza, followed by the ground phase of the operation ten days later. Mads Gilbert arrived in Gaza on July 13th, and worked day and night for the next two weeks at Al-Shifa Hospital, dealing with casualties, repairing serious injuries, and trying to save lives. With the help of a small, black camera ready in the pocket of his green operating scrubs, he was able to document some of the human cost paid by the Palestinian people for enduring the Israeli occupation. He also kept a daily journal about the situation, with eye-witness accounts of the havoc wreaked by the Israeli attacks, and moving accounts of his interactions with ordinary Palestinians—men, women and children—who had done nothing to deserve the horrific disruption to their lives. What Gilbert experienced was awful, and it was immense—the sounds of bombs and screaming, bodies torn to pieces and a society reduced to rubble—but he also saw camaraderie, dignity, human courage and unflinching resolve.

About The Author

Mads Gilbert is a medical doctor at the University Hospital of North Norway. He received his PhD at the University of Iowa and is a specialist in anesthesiology. He served as a leader of the Emergency Medicine Department of the University of Troms. Since 1981, he has been going regularly to Palestine as a teacher and emergency care doctor in Palestinian hospitals on behalf of UNWRA, the UN aid agency to Palestinian refugees. Over the last few years he has worked in Gaza during successive waves of Israeli attacks on the densely populated area under siege. He is co-author (with Erik Fosse) of Eyes in Gaza, which was hailed by the influential Norwegian newspaper Klassekampen as the “Best Book of 2009.” Max Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and author living in the United States. His most recent book, Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel (2013), takes a critical view of Israeli actions and has generated considerable debate.

About The Illustrator

Product Details

  • Publisher: Olive Branch Press (September 30, 2015)
  • Length: 192 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781566560757

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Raves and Reviews

"One puts down this book feeling that had the Nobel Peace Prize not been irrevocably stained by its repeated conferral on warmongers (Henry Kissinger, Barack Obama, the European Union), one would nominate Mads Gilbert for it. For now, one can only paradoxically hope that he never has to write such a beautiful but scarifying book again."

– Raymond Deane

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