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Dear Reader

A Love Letter to Libraries

Published by little bee books
Distributed by Simon & Schuster

About The Book

A young Black girl pens a love letter to libraries and books, powerfully expressing the need to see herself represented in stories. From the author that brought you M Is for Melanin.

"A rousing call to action for more racially diverse children's literature." -Kirkus Reviews, STARRED REVIEW

There was just this one thing, this nagging suspicion, that I didn't meet the criteria for a heroine's condition.

In the books that I read, an absence of melanin was a clear omission.

A voracious young reader loves nothing more than going to the library and poring through books all day, making friends with characters and going off on exciting adventures with them. However, the more she reads, the more she notices that most of the books don't have characters of color, and the only ones that do tell about the most painful parts of their history. Where are the Black heroines with Afros exploring other planets and the superheroes with 'locs saving the day?

About The Author

Product Details

  • Publisher: little bee books (June 28, 2022)
  • Length: 32 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781499814125
  • Grades: P - 1
  • Ages: 3 - 6

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Raves and Reviews

A book-loving, brown-skinned, proactive young girl advocates for stories with characters that look like her.
Her appetite for books is so insatiable that she likes stories of all kinds, including those "full of thrones, quests, friendship, and dreams" and those "with brave heroines and heroes saving the day." Although she views herself as a heroine, she has a "nagging suspicion" that she doesn't meet the "criteria for a heroine's condition" because not a single character in the books she loves looks like her. Searching for characters with brown skin who "do magic, fight villains, and find lost cities of gold," she finds only stories of "struggle, hardship, and pain" and asks what it means "for a girl like never see a face like mine." Undaunted, she opts to create her own stories of "cocoa-colored mer-people, honey-hued dragon slayers, and superheroes with locs." She invites readers to join her in making her "melanated words come to life" and in telling stories as "diverse as our skin." The energetic, upbeat text employing the occasional rhyme transmits an urgency designed to prompt readers to action. Colorful and imaginative illustrations show the spunky protagonist engulfed by towers of books and transported to storybook worlds peopled by brown-skinned characters.
A rousing call to action for more racially diverse children's literature.

– Kirkus Reviews, STARRED REVIEW

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