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C++ Concurrency in Action

Published by Manning
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book


This bestseller has been updated and revised to cover all the latest changes to C++ 14 and 17! C++ Concurrency in Action, Second Edition teaches you everything you need to write robust and elegant multithreaded applications in C++17.

Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.

About the Technology

You choose C++ when your applications need to run fast. Well-designed concurrency makes them go even faster. C++ 17 delivers strong support for the multithreaded, multiprocessor programming required for fast graphic processing, machine learning, and other performance-sensitive tasks. This exceptional book unpacks the features, patterns, and best practices of production-grade C++ concurrency.

About the Book

C++ Concurrency in Action, Second Edition is the definitive guide to writing elegant multithreaded applications in C++. Updated for C++ 17, it carefully addresses every aspect of concurrent development, from starting new threads to designing fully functional multithreaded algorithms and data structures. Concurrency master Anthony Williams presents examples and practical tasks in every chapter, including insights that will delight even the most experienced developer.

What's inside

  • Full coverage of new C++ 17 features
  • Starting and managing threads
  • Synchronizing concurrent operations
  • Designing concurrent code
  • Debugging multithreaded applications

About the Reader

Written for intermediate C and C++ developers. No prior experience with concurrency required.

About the Author

Anthony Williams has been an active member of the BSI C++ Panel since 2001 and is the developer of the just::thread Pro extensions to the C++ 11 thread library.

Table of Contents

  1. Hello, world of concurrency in C++!
  2. Managing threads
  3. Sharing data between threads
  4. Synchronizing concurrent operations
  5. The C++ memory model and operations on atomic types
  6. Designing lock-based concurrent data structures
  7. Designing lock-free concurrent data structures
  8. Designing concurrent code
  9. Advanced thread management
  10. Parallel algorithms
  11. Testing and debugging multithreaded applications

About The Author

Anthony Williams is a UK-based developer and consultant with many years experience in C++. He has been an active member of the BSI C++ Standards Panel since 2001, and is author or coauthor of many of the C++ Standards Committee papers that led up to the inclusion of the thread library in the new C++ Standard, known as C++11 or C++0x. He has been the maintainer of the Boost Thread library since 2006, and is the developer of the just::thread implementation of the C++11 thread library from Just Software Solutions Ltd. Anthony lives in the far west of Cornwall, England.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Manning (February 10, 2019)
  • Length: 592 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781617294693

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