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Table of Contents
About The Book
Gabriel’s heart brings you abiding bliss for this sa- cred moment in your life and reminds you of that exquisite part of you that is overshadowed by the love of the Hindu faith’s Lord Krishna – the embodied and complete Avatar of the Preserver God Vishnu. To honour this divine process, design a celebration that will consecrate this wonderful moment of supreme happiness and, with the refined gratitude that brings even more bliss, pledge thanks to all that is wonderful about your life. Gratitude is the basis for applying the law of attraction in your life, so say a prayer to the Lord Krishna, or to the great Angels of Atlantis, and especially to Archangel Gabriel, and messages of bliss will wing their way to you and all your dear ones. Gaze on the Sigil and feel the power of Gabriel entering your heart in order to let Bliss grow.
Chant Ah to warm this vibration through your Heart Chakra – the delicate Anahata.
We all seek illumination when experiencing confusion, when we suffer the dullness of pain, or whilst enduring the long dark night of the soul. Have you recently felt in darkness, or have you yearned for the Light and yet were not able to behold its lustre? Do not fret, Gabriel’s divine illuminating heart rays are swiftly moving to you from the Heart Sigil in this card, and so profound relief will dawn. Gaze on the Oracle Icon, dear one, and an enlightening thought will pass through your consciousness, or a deep mur- muring will occur in your soul. Your present situation is merely a test of your resolve, an illumining of your soul’s eternal strength, for Archangel Gabriel has given his heart to you in this moment, purely for you to draw from, and to feel succour and love.
Chant Hee to bring clear light to your Crown Chakra – the gracious Sahasrara – and, even if you are unfamiliar with powers like the Sigils, you will intrinsically feel the energy moving through your being. If you wish, chant OM three times to spread the light through your being.
We hanker for insight when life appears dull or obtuse and, in this moment, that ancient part of your soul – the part that knows all things – is streaming into your consciousness to awaken rare delight. What is happening at the heart of the situation you are cur- rently involved in? Step back, detach and, in stillness, review the scenario. Then, you will penetrate the core of what is really occurring and, just like the ‘Ancient of Days’ overshadowed by Gabriel’s heart in the Icon, you will compass its essence through your in- tuition, sensing the soul of the person. In conse- quence a flash of pure insight will occur. Therefore reflect on the emblazoned dignity of your heart for that aspect of your Akashic connection and ‘all’ will be revealed.
Chant Ah to celebrate this counsel in your Heart Chakra – the great, and delicate Anahata – as you feel the presence of Gabriel’s Heart Sigil.
You have called upon an extraordinary aspect of Angelic countenance, indeed the chief aspect of Gabriel’s heart – as we see in the story of Mary’s Annunciation, or through Gabriel bringing the Quran to Prophet Mohammad. Through this instrument, you are completely in touch with divine inspiration, sacred interpretation, and the revelation of prophecy about your soul’s path. Just as the ancient Zodiac of Dendera gave the Pharaohs’ witness of their birthright, integral information about your life will be offered to you in clear and magical ways. This an- cient star system gives knowledge about our lives mapped before incarnation. When we live life freely by the heart, the moments become an unfolding of all that is known through love. You will soon see signs that register in the part of your soul that hasn’t become fully conscious, so gaze on the Sigil for specific inspiration.
Chant Hay to open corridors of light for celestial information through your Brow Chakra – the great Ajna – which brings intuition and discernment.
About The Illustrator
Richard Crookes has more than 30 years’ experience as a freelance artist, illustrator, and calligrapher. He has worked on many card decks, including the award-winning Angels of Atlantis Oracle Cards, The Angel and Gemstone Guardians Cards and, with Alison Chester-Lambert, MA Astrology Reading Cards. He lives in Bangkok, Thailand.
Product Details
- Publisher: Findhorn Press (June 3, 2013)
- Length: 64 pages
- ISBN13: 9781844096060
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Raves and Reviews
“The oracles produced by the magic of Stewart’s radiant voice, invokes a hypnotic serenity. In his reading for me, warmth and gentleness emanate from his every word as if to reassure me that ‘all is well.’”
– Karen Miller, journalist, OM Times Magazine and In Light Times
"I was drawn in and inspired by this 44 card deck and its accompanying booklet. Each card was so unique in the energy that it brought and through the sigils I could feel drawn to the angelic source of each one. The cards are beautiful and have the name of an Archangel on them and also an angelic aspect along with an amazing picture and sigil and I felt so peaceful while I did a very accurate 3 card spread. The booklet showed me just where to go to get the deepest meaning from the cards and even a meditation and connection to the appropriate chakra and angel. I would recommend this Celestial divination deck to anyone who feels drawn to angels and Atlantis. Thanks Stewart for the blessed experience. "
– Riki Frahmann, Mystic Living Today
"The Angel Heart Sigils are definitely powerful."
– Christine Miller, editor Your Ultimate Resource
"Truly Inspired, and covered in Angelic script, these are some of the most stunning cards I've seen in years and i''m looking forward to using them in private."
– Roger, Shamans Crystal newsletter
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- Book Cover Image (jpg): Angel Heart Sigils Cards 9781844096060