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Alana Oakley: Bloodlust and Blunders

Book #3 of Alana Oakley
Published by Big Sky Publishing
Distributed by Simon & Schuster



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About The Book

Alana Oakley suspects her new neighbours are vampires. All the signs are there: they are deathly pale, too good at everything, and laugh derisively at vampire-lore with a knowing mwah-ha-ha. Khalilah, Maddie and Sofia hope Alana is right - everything they've read about vampires sounds so very cool and the new neighbours are so very hot... Despite her friends' warped sensibilities, Alana is determined to reveal the neighbours' bloody secret. If only her mum would stay out of trouble, Alana would have this mystery in the bag, but Emma is tangled up with Katriona and Ling Ling's mission to Never Grow Old, avoid Chinatown's resident loan shark, Fok Wee Mung, and meet Kylie Minogue. Hard to know what Alana is dreading more this year: the kiss of immortality from a vampire or her mother throwing her a birthday party, but don't bother asking the woman in Alana's living room - she's already dead...

About The Author

Poppy Inkwell was born in the Philippines and immigrated to Australia three years later. She grew up in Campbelltown and graduated from the University of Sydney with a BA in Asian Studies. She has worked as a DJ, an interpreter, PR guru and taught English to ASEAN diplomats in Brunei. Her five children inspired an interest in children and creativity which led to a Masters in Learning Innovation (Early Childhood) from QUT, the development of PicassoPlay (an art playgroup for toddlers) and a transition-to-school program which she ran at an International School. She has sky-dived - once.

Product Details

  • Publisher: Big Sky Publishing (January 13, 2016)
  • Length: 200 pages
  • ISBN13: 9781925275476
  • Ages: 10 - 99

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