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Thomas Kemeny
About The Author
Thomas Kemeny is a freelance copywriter based in New York City and sometimes Los Angeles if the weather is right. He began as an intern at Crispin Porter + Bogusky, and over the next decade learned everything he could at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and Mother New York. He's won awards in The One Show, Cannes Lions and Clio Awards. He's created campaigns for everything from Fortune 500 companies to startups. His work has been discussed in the New York Times, NPR, Vanity Fair and a monologue on The Tonight Show. He has an equally impressive list of failures. Foreword by: Jeff Goodby is Co-Chairman and Partner of Goodby, Silverstein & Partners.Jeffgrew up in Rhode Island and graduated from Harvard, where he wrote for theHarvard Lampoon.He worked as a newspaper reporter in Boston, and his illustrations have been published inTIMEandMother Jones. He began his advertising career at J. Walter Thompson before moving to Ogilvy & Mather, where he met his mentor, Hal Riney. It was with Riney that Goodby learned his reverence for surprise, humor, craft and restraint. He also met a guy named Rich Silverstein at Ogilvy & Mather. They founded GS&P in 1983. Since then, the two have won just about every advertising award imaginable.
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