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Joe Mulhall

About The Author

Dr Joe Mulhall is a researcher and historian of postwar and contemporary fascism and is currently Senior Researcher at Hope not Hate, the UK’s largest anti-fascism and anti-racism organisation. He has published extensively on the domestic and international far right including reports such as Rewriting History: Lying, Denying and Revising the Holocaust; The International Alternative Right: From Charlottesville to the Whitehouse and From Banners to Bullets: The International Identitarian Movement.

In 2020 he has two forthcoming academic books, British Fascist Traditions: Continuities in Interwar and Postwar Fascism and the co-authored The International Alternative Right: Fascism for the 20th Century?

He has given talks around the world on his research and written for a range of print media including the Guardian, New Statesman and Independent, and discussed his work on a range of broadcast media including the BBC News at Ten, Radio 4’s Today Program, Channel 4 News, ITV News, Sky News and the Christiane Amanpour Show on CNN. He also sits on the Board of the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust in the UK.

Books by Joe Mulhall