4 Out of This World Reads to Give Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fans!

Cara Nesi
December 8 2018
Share 4 Out of This World Reads to Give Sci-Fi/Fantasy Fans!

As much as I would like to pretend it’s not, Christmas is around the corner. Before we all forget last minute and start giving everyone IOUs for presents that are in the mail but won’t arrive till January, let’s talk about gifts.

If you’ve got a reader in your life who loves sci-fi and fantasy, I’ve got a few recommendations for you. Now, when I plan out bookish gifts, I like to pull stuff out of my read pile that my loved ones might not pick up themselves, or might not have heard of, but will be really captivated by. That way, I’m sharing something that I care about, and avoid the possibility of giving them something they’ve already read (hopefully!).

These are some of my tried-and-true favorites from the past few years (along with one from this year), titles that I’m always recommending to people. With that in mind, below are recommendations I have for some great sci-fi and fantasy gift books that will hopefully be very well received this holiday season.

What books are you giving this season? Share with us on social with #BooksILikeToGive!

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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