7 Books with the Solutions to Your Biggest NaNoWriMo Problems

November 12 2019
Share 7 Books with the Solutions to Your Biggest NaNoWriMo Problems

You’ve made the huge step of deciding to write a novel in a month! You’ve
forsaken your social life, probably dumped your significant other, shunned your
family, accepted that you’ll take that negative eval at work, and yet…it’s
mid-November, and you’re losing steam. Your plot has, maybe, fallen apart. Or
maybe you still haven’t named your main character. Or you’re twenty-thousand
words in, and you’ve just realized that describing what your main character
eats for breakfast every morning may not actually be a novel. Never fear!
There’s one easy solution, the very thing you’re attempting to create: books!
No matter your NaNo problem, books have the answer!

(And don’t tell me you
have no time to read. Reading is part of writing!)

This post was originally published on GetLiterary.com.

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